A student from Fiorello H. Laguardia High School in Manhattan (courtesy reuters.com)

What Did You Learn About the Second Amendment in History Class? Question of the...

I'm stunned by the image above. If the grammatically-challenged protester really wanted to know why someone owns an AR-15 -- someone who has no plans to murder anyone -- why doesn't she ask an AR15...
betrayal (courtesy feelingsoulmate.wordpress.com)

Can Pro-Gun Pols Be Trusted? Ever? Question of the Day

"I talked to nearly a dozen Republicans in the House and Senate for this story," atlantic.com writer Elaina Plott reveals, "and heard nearly a dozen different proposals for how to curb gun violence and...
(courtesy ammoland.com)

Are Gun Owners a Persecuted Minority? Question of the Day

No one knows exactly how many gun owners there are in the United States (many maintain operational security). Bemoaning the lack of gun registration, cnn.com tackled the gun ownership question back in February, and...

Three Real Ways to Reduce “Gun Violence” in America? Question of the Day

6 Real Ways We Can Reduce Gun Violence in America the once deeply conservative time.com promises. Not to put too fine a point on it, Sean Gregory, Chris Wilson, Alice Park and Alic Jenkins offer Time...

Should Blind People Be Allowed to Carry Guns? Question of the Day

"When police pulled up, they saw two men sitting in a pickup truck. The passenger, later identified as Freeman, had a black, semi-automatic pistol on his lap and a second gun was spotted on...

Will “March for Our Lives” Trigger More Gun Control? Question of the Day

The media love-in for tomorrow's "March for Our Lives" will be unprecedented. It will be an anti-gun orgy the likes of which this country has never seen. It will be rife with misinformation, misdirection,...
March for Our Lives in four major cities

What Are You Telling Your Children About the March for Our Lives Pro-Gun Control...

I would really like to ignore the March for Our Lives pro-gun control rally. But I can't. The airwaves and social media are suffused with the protesters' pathos and righteous indignation, as they demand...
March for Our Lives in four major cities

What Did You Learn from the March for Our Lives Children’s Crusade for Gun...

I learned that CNN is in the bag for gun control 100 percent. Literally. In three hours of coverage I could withstand, I didn't see a single pro-gun commentator on what we employees used...
March for Our Lives protestors (courtesy flipboard.com)

Did March for Our Lives Protesters Shoot Themselves in the Foot? Question of the...

"Saturday's #MarchForOurLives was billed as a protest against gun violence," cbsnews.com reports. "But for many Americans on the Right, it felt like they were under attack." Which reminds me of a scene from the Joan...

Would Trying to Repeal the 2A Result in Violence? Question of the Day

Yesterday, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, after gazing deeply into the emanations and penumbras of his gun-grabbing soul, published an op-ed in the New York Times advocating the repeal of the Second...

How Do You Counter the Culture’s Anti-Gun Messages? Question of the day

The education business has gone all out to further the message of the anti-gun movement in recent weeks. Public schools nationwide let kids out of school, ostensibly to "demand" more gun control laws. Some...

What’s Your Definition of an ‘Assault Rifle’? Question of the Day

Over in the Ministry of Newspeak, the leading lights who run the Merriam-Webster dictionary have taken the occasion of the Parkland massacre to update their definition of what constitutes an "assault rifle". Here's the...