Question of the Day: How Do You Defend Bump Fire Stocks?

I was interviewed about the use of bump fire stocks by CBS News yesterday. (Click here for the video, click here for Nick's explanation of their function.) The newscasters ignored the bit where I said...

Question of the Day: What Can The People of the Gun Learn from Puerto...

'We have been completely abandoned by our government and the US. My brother's friend is a cop, his advice was arm yourselves with whatever you can find and do what you need to do....

Question of the Day: What’s the Biggest Gun You’ve Ever Fired?

Short of bribing a Russian soldier somewhere in the Ukraine, Drive Tanks of Uvalde, Texas is the only place civilians can shoot a round from a working tank. Your choice of an American M4A2E8 Sherman...

Question of the Day: Is the NRA Winning the Culture War?

Mike "the Gun Guy" Weisser is nothing if not an ideas man. What The Movement For Gun Violence Prevention Is Missing is the anti-gun kapo's advice for popularizing gun control. One idea: call it GVP....

Question of the Day: Do You Fear The Government?

Writer John Basil Barnhill (not, as some think, Thomas Jefferson) coined the phrase, "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." Regardless, gun rights...

Question of the Day: Pistol Shooting Stance. Weaver or Isosceles?

Over at, NRA Training Counselor Program Coordinator Andy Lander takes on one of the great debates of our time: Weaver or Isosceles? Do you shoot your pistol standing in a boxer's stance (Weaver) or...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Practice Regimen?

In the video below, self-proclaimed actor, filmmaker and firearms trainer Robert Arrizon (above) practices his shooting skills in the desert. One thing I noticed: he doesn't move and shoot. Whenver I'm shooting outside a...

Question of the Day: Conceal Carry a .357 Revolver?

I understand the logic: if you can't carry a lot of rounds, load a larger caliber. I schlepped a .45 caliber GLOCK 30 in Massachusetts, a state that bans magazines holding more than 10...

Question of the Day: Should You Tell Your Doctor About Your Guns And Concealed...

In recent years, a number of people have encountered their doctors or other healthcare care providers (such as Physician's Assistants) asking about guns in the house and/or concealed carry. Granted, some might wonder why...

Question of the Day: Off-Body Carry?

"A week ago, four-year-old Yanelly Zoller was staying at her grandparents' home in Florida when she reached into her grandmother's purse looking for candy, but instead found a gun," reports. "Yanelly, known to her family...

Question of the Day: Is President Trump A Gun Rights Champion?

In the video below, a "comedian" does the redneck gun owner thing. Before descending into uncontrolled laughter , notice the introductory glimpse of a Trump wife beater T-shirt (above). This stereotypical appeal to the...

Question of the Day: What Type of People Do You Meet at The Gun...

Despite some (loving) criticism of his work, NRA commentator Colion Noir and I are on speaking terms (which is more than I can say for the NRA's PR team). Ever since ever I've been...