Question of the Day: What YouTube Channels Have Your Attention?

In the video below, TheGunCollective collects their 16 favorite "up and coming" firearms-oriented You Tube channels. That's a lot of channels. I don't know about you, but I hardly have time to write a million-plus...

Question of the Day: Should All States have an Armed and Prohibited Person’s Firearms...

"In 2016, California's Armed and Prohibited Persons System enforcement program completed more than 9,100 investigations," reports, "which led to more than 500 arrests and nearly 4,000 guns seized, according to an annual report from California's...

Question of the Day: Do You Boycott “Gun Free Zone” Businesses?

I recently chronicled my encounter with the Bee Caves police, wherein the constabulary turfed me from a posted "gun free zone." More than a few TTAG commentators took me to the woodshed. Not for carrying...

Question of the Day: When Do You Call the Cops on A Potential Murderer?

“I always knew you were going to shoot up the school,” murder victim Sam Strahan told killer Caleb Sharpe just before he was shot, according to court records. “You know that is going to...

Question of the Day: Is There Anywhere Guns Should Be Banned?

"Authorities are planning to cordon off a 'weapons-free assembly zone' around the statue of Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue in an effort to head off any potential violence at a rally to support...

Question of the Day: Do You Fear the Left?

In the video below, Jesse Lee Peterson confronts chat show host David Pakman (above) on the outbreak of progressive violence. Mr. Pakman denies the post-Trump trend. Yes, well, I don't think the antifa and antifa-style protesters are...

Question of the Day: How Cynical Are You?

I'm the son of a Holocaust victim. I was raised in the full knowledge that there are evil people in this world. I grew up in Rhode Island. I was fully aware that there...

Question of the Day: What First Gun for Kids?

In the video below, a young lady fires a rifle that's WAY too big for her; so much so she has to rest the stock on her shoulder. Wrong answer, Dad! The question is,...

Question of the Day: Why Would You Let Someone Bring an AR-15 to...

Today's Question of the Day comes to us from former FBI supervisory special agent James Gagliano, posed in a article entitled Antifa, white supremacists exploit loose gun laws. Those of you familiar with the United...

Question of the Day: What’s the Worst Abuse Your Gun Has Ever Endured?

49 The latest handgun to go through MAC's world famous four-stage torture test is the CZ P10C 9mm. SPOILER ALERT: the Czech striker-fired gun performed admirably. It took the full gauntlet course of water, sand,...

Question of the Day: Who’s Your Favorite Firearms Fiction Writer?

Whenever I fly I grab a "junk" book for the flight. One with lots of gunplay. For my visit to my eldest daughter's graduation recital in the Land of Hope and Glory, I scarfed...

Question of the Day: ‘Death Wish’ – Revenge Porn?

The Death Wish remake (trailer below) is gonna be big. For one thing, it's a role Bruce Willis was born to play. Again. Still. For another, the film's "alt-right" pro-gun vigilante vibe is sure to...