Question of the Day: What Would Make an Effective Pro-Gun Video?

In the PreventGunViolence-produced video below -- currently seen by hundreds -- a doctor has to tell a mother that her child has died from "gun violence." Which happens every three hours. Or does it?...

Question of the Day: How Will You Celebrate National Shooting Sports Month?

I just got an email blast from the National Shooting Sports Foundation -- the firearms industry lobby group -- declaring August National Shooting Sports Month. Who knew? I'm not sure how the coinciding kick-off...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Favorite Caliber?

In yesterday's Question of the Day: Is There A Woman’s Perspective on Guns? TTAG commenator MamaLiberty asked "Why so many silly questions these days? I’d rather go back to the silly old caliber/gun brand wars." This website is...

Question of the Day: Would You Pull Your Gun on a Strange Guy on...

In the video below, cutlerylover tells the world that he pulled a gun on a mysterious man on his roof. cutlerylover says he didn't actually aim his gat at the stranger, but he brandished...

Question of the Day: If Your Gun Was a Car, What Car Would It...

In a comment underneath my review of the GLOCK 19 Gen4 FS, TTAG reader RockOnHellChild expressed his displeasure with my assertion that the G19 is the Honda Accord of handguns. I have never liked the...

CapArms Question of the Day: How Often Do You Practice Shooting One-Handed?

"For years people have taught and trained with a two-hand grip on firearms," TTAG reader Tim writes. "How are we mortals suppose to hold a flashlight, cell phone and weapon and be effective with...

CapArms Question of the Day: Hand Over Your Gun to Robbers?

"A Kennesaw State University student was robbed at gunpoint at the school’s Austin Residential Complex at 3:40 a.m. Tuesday, reports. "The student was loading items into his car when two men carrying...

CapArms Question of the Day: Inform the Cops You’re Packing?

Considering this morning's article on the Arizona DOT's advice to armed motorists stopped by the police, given the Philando Castile case, should armed drivers treat every interaction with the police as a potentially fatal...

CapArms Questions of the Day: What’s Wrong with “Guns Everywhere”?

"Rosalind C Hughes is an Episcopal priest and immigrant from the United Kingdom," reports, by way of an introduction to her Op Ed Guns everywhere, but our safety is never more compromised....

CapArms Question of the Day: What’s Your Least Favorite Gun Control Claim?

In a recent post, I stated my disgust at the the antis' claim that a firearm in the home puts a gun owner and his or her loved ones at greater risk of injury...

CapArms Question of the Day: End-of-the-World Gun?

In the video below, NRA commentator Colion Noir says he'd want to face the end of the world with a GLOCK 19 or 17. Wait, a GLOCK 19. No, a GLOCK 26. Yes, 26....

CapArms Question of the Day: How Do You Choose a Personal Defense Round?

80 Maybe we're making too big an assumption here. Plenty of people who tote a gun every day or keep one on the night stand load it up with range ammo and call it good....