CapArms Question of the Day: What To Do About Dangerous Neighborhoods?

"Austin is the city's largest community area geographically, and was the most populated for 45 years," reports. "But as the West Side neighborhood's gun violence has increased, so too has families' realization that...

CapArms Question of the Day: What’s the Future For Guns?

In last night's Daily Digest, Dan the Man revealed  that "the maker of the famous AK-47 rifle is building 'a range of products based on neural networks, including a 'fully automated combat module that can...

CapArm Question of the Day: Does Hot Shots Calendar Hurt the Pro-Gun Side?

Before I tell you about my experience as a Hot Shots model and ask for your seal of approval (or brickbat), I'm aware that TTAG banned T&A back in the day, to be a...

CapArms Question of the Day: Mandatory Minimum Sentence for Illegal Gun Possession?

I'm constantly kvetching about the revolving door justice system that allows vicious criminals to roam city streets in Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles and other crime-ridden urban enclaves. So you might think that a mandatory minimum...

CapArms Question of the Day: 59 Percent Of Americans Say They’ve Never Received Firearms...

"Despite broad support for policies requiring that prospective firearm owners receive training before acquiring a firearm, little is known about the scope and content of firearm training in the USA," reports. They then...

CapArms Question of the Day: Can You Watch a Gun Movie Without Complaining About...

Whatever else you can say about actor Steven Seagal -- and there's a lot of weird stuff in his bio -- the man is a gun guy. But even his flicks feature some decidedly...

CapArms Question of the Day: What Would George Washington Carry?

"George Washington’s favorite pistol was made in London in 1748 by Hawkins, one of the best known gunmakers of the period," the repro gunmakers at report. "It still survives as a national treasure....

CapArms Question of the Day: How Are You Under Stress?

"When you perceive something as threatening or exciting, the hypothalamus in the brain signals to the adrenal glands that it's time to produce adrenaline and other stress hormones," reports. "The adrenal glands produce...

CapArms Question of the Day: Hunting Safety Class At a Church?

89 reports that a New Hampshire pastor taught a hunting safety class at work, the Heritage Free Will Baptist Church. At some point he handed out "religious flyers" to attendees. This caught the eye...

CapArms Question of the Day: What Gun Regulations Need to be Repealed or Replaced?

For those of you who were iffy about pulling that lever for Donald Trump last fall, here's more evidence that while he may not be everything everyone would choose in a President (who is?),...

CapArms Question of the Day: What Gun Do You Carry in the Woods?

"I never thought I would be attacked by a bear. I woke up to a crunching sound and a lot of pain… The bear had a hold of my head and was dragging me across...

CapArms Question of the Day: Got Silencer?

" estimates that deregulating silencers would open the market to 1.3 million new customers," Linda K. Newell writes "How many more deaths will occur when silencers are on the streets and in the...