CapArms Question of the Day: Home Carry?

In the United States Concealed Carry Association's G-rated Drill of the Month video below, Kevin Michalowski advises gun owners who draw whilst sitting on the living room couch get up and "get into the fight."...

CapArms Question of the Day: Where are the Pro-Gun PSAs?

Rare View Media group's PSA below is nothing if not long, so I'll summarize it for you. Three kids take another kid's iPhone. The humiliated victim gets a gun and shoots his antagonists. To...

Is The NRA Right to Teach Defensive Shooters to Retreat Before Engaging? CapArms Question...

In our post NRA: No 1911s or Revolvers in Carry Guard Training Classes, TTAG writer and Florida detective Luis Valdez revealed a new NRA training acronym: A.D.R.E. It stands for Avoid. De-escalate. Retreat. Engage. Well now...

CapArms Question of the Day: How Do You Disarm Hate?

Suicides account for the majority (about two thirds) of firearms-related deaths in America each year. So if you're looking to "disarm hate" to prevent "gun violence," self-hatred should be at the top of your...

CapArms Question of the Day: What Are the Three Best Concealed Carry Restaurants in...

Dan the Man is TTAG's resident foodie. That makes him particularly useful both here in Austin and on those occasions where we leave The Live Music Capital of America on firearms-related biz. Needless...

CapArms Question of the Day: What Do You Say When People Ask You Why...

If someone asks Jon Wayne Taylor why he carries a gun, he has a simple, honest answer: "In case I have to shoot someone." Dan's a tad more circumspect: "One, because it's my right....

CapArms Question of the Day: Will Today’s Congressional Shooting Change Anything?

All the usual suspects spouting all the usual talking points following a widely publicized shooting (what likely would have been a mass murder if not for the presence of a good guy with a...

CapArms Question of the Day: Is Open Carry Stupid and Silly?

TTAG commentator FlaBoy (not shown) posted this less-than-entirely-supportive comment underneath Dean's article Open Carry at Arizona's Yuma Regional Medical Center: Sorry to voice what may be an unpopular opinion on this story, but I, for...

CapArms Question of the Day: Is Saying “It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun...

Women Need To Pack A Gun To Avoid Rape, Says GOP Indiana Lawmaker the headline at proclaims. The problem being? I mean that's good solid advice, right? Well Republican state Rep. Jim Lucas (who...

CapArms Question of the Day: Would You Rather Face a Knife or a Gun?

The mainstream media is still banging on about how lucky the Brits are. You know: 'cause Her Majesty's government disarmed her subjects. Otherwise, the knife-wielding terrorists in London would have had guns and killed...

CapArms Question of the Day: Do Anti-Gunners Believe in Evil?

"Two teens, each of them not 130 pounds, walked down Troy Street toward 47th and stopped next to a van where a man was talking through the window to his girlfriend and kids,"

CapArms Question of the Day: Does Your Dog Freak out at Gunfire?

I've never taken my Schnauzers shooting. (Their lack of opposable thumbs makes it problematic.) While Dan's brace of Labs fetch tennis balls to the point of exhaustion (Dan's), our Managing Editor's canines aren't trained gun dogs. Jon's...