CapArms Question of the Day: Marijuana and Guns?

Back in the day I smoked -- and inhaled -- "dope." And boy do I miss it. As someone who only drinks alcoholic beverages occasionally, someone who has a low tolerance for alcohol (and...

CapArms Question of the Day: Have You Ever Worried About A Co-Worker Going Postal?

60 According to, "After a 'disgruntled' ex-employee returned to his former workplace near Orlando, Florida, shooting and killing five people, the company said it is 'heartbroken,' calling the attack 'unspeakable.'" The question is: was...

CapArms Question of the Day: Do Black Targets Matter?

Gun control advocates and their mainstream media enablers paint gun owners as pig-ignorant, trigger-happy racist insurrectionists. This campaign by ad agency FRED & FARID to "celebrate" Black History Month reveals the depths to which the...

CapArms Question of the Day: Frame-Mounted Safety?

My views on frame-mounted safeties have evolved. At first I was all like "it's just one more thing to go wrong during an adrenalin dump!" And "the only safety you need is between your...

CapArms Question of the Day: Are the Brits A Lost Cause?

So Londoners hurled chairs, glasses and beer bottles at terrorists on a stabbing spree. Well, that's what happens to a disarmed populace. But instead of calling for gun rights restoration, or even considering it,...

CapArms Question of the Day: Can Religion Combat “Gun Violence”?

"Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin said in a jam-packed meeting Thursday that his plan to confront Louisville's growing violence is to have roaming prayer groups in the West End," reports. "Bevin urged faith leaders, public officials...

CapArms Question of the Day: Is Your Kid Brainwashed on Guns?

54 I haven't brainwashed my kids about gun rights. I haven't used my parental authority to force them to respect Americans' natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. I've discussed the facts about firearms...

CapArms Question of the Day: Have You Moved Away from ‘Gun Crime?’

71 In the report above, a concerned Florida father is fed up with gunfire in his neighborhood. He's moving. It must be said that some economically challenged Americans don't have that luxury. And staying close to...

CapArms Question of the Day: Will Guns Ever Be “Normal” Again?

75 Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy (true story) with a gun he ordered from Sears. That was delivered to his home. Some of TTAG's OFWGs may remember those days, when guns weren't the Great...

CapArms Question of the Day: Is Your Kid’s School a ‘Gun Free Zone’?

"State law allows Montana school boards to let anyone carry a gun in schools," reports. "Custer is one of only three that do — fewer than one percent of schools in a state...

CapArms Question of the Day: Got Milsurp Rifle?

85 wants you to know Why everyone should own military surplus weapons. Strangely, it's got nothing to do with defending freedom against government tyranny. Which is why the author makes no mention of the modern AR-15 or...

CapArms Question of the Day: What Do You Hate About Gun Control?

Portland Hate Crime: Heroes Honored As The City Searches For Answers the headline proclaims at proclaims. You've probably heard the story by now: "Three men were stabbed Friday, two of them fatally, as...