CapArms Question of the Day: Would You Buy a Gun From A Company That...

Most American gun owners expect firearms manufacturers to support their right to keep and bear arms. If nothing else, the greater the restrictions on firearms freedoms, the fewer guns they'll sell. And the fewer RKBA restrictions, the more guns they'll sell. But it's...

CapArms Question of the Day: What Do LGBTQ Co-Workers, Friends or Family Think of...

82 When I lived in Atlanta, my next door neighbor was a gay gun guy. I mean a gay guy who liked guns. Because even though guns are phallic they're gender neutral. Anyway, one day, we...

CapArms Question of the Day: Does Poverty Cause ‘Gun Violence’?

"Using poverty as reasoning behind someone picking up a gun to kill another person is something I have railed against for years," James Walker writes at Connecticut's "To me, the connection didn’t make sense....

CapArms Question of the Day: Got .22?

I received a Davidson's Ammo Blast through the mail yesterday. (Don't worry, no one was hurt.) As you can see they're offering 50 rounds of Aguila .22LR Target ammo for 12.22 per round. And . ....

CapArms Question of the Day: Hurray for Hollywood?

20 Hollywood is a nest of anti-gun rights hypocrites. Thousands of anti-gun writers, actors, directors and producers make tens of millions of dollars by creating films with shooting a-plenty. On balance, I've got no problem with...

Question of the Day: Could Armed Jews Have Stopped the Holocaust?

I don't know if Mike "The Gun Guy" Weisser is Jewish. But I am. And the possibility of MTGGW being a member of the tribes got me thinking: why would ANY Jew support gun...

Question of the Day: Time for NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre to Go?

144 The Yankee Marshall is no fan of the NRA, to say the least. To say the most, "I feel like people like LaPew and his constant cycle of demagoguery, demonization, division, political cronyism ...

Question of the Day: Got Body Armor?

89 "The same organization that brought dildos to the University of Texas at Austin to protest guns on college campuses has released a new piece of satire," reports, "an advertisement for 'student body armor.'"...

Question of the Day: Ever Been Robbed?

61 According to this report, the victim of an armed robbery shared her story with Indianapolis' RTV6 because she wants to help other people. "If one person listens to this and decides to look an extra...

Question of the Day: What Would Jesus Do at a Church Gun Raffle?

That's the headline question above David Waters' pre-Easter polemic. The Commercial Appeal columnist has no doubt that Jesus would want nothing to with a church gun raffle: "My feeling is that Jesus would have...

Question of the Day: Do Mag Limits Limit Mass Murder?

77 "When the San Bernardino elementary school gunman paused to reload his gun, students were able to escape," reports. "Cedric Anderson opened fire on his estranged wife's classroom on Monday, but his Smith &...

Question of the Day: How Many Anti-Gunners Are in Your Life?

78 Is That A Gun in Your Pocket is the OFWG version of Spike Lee's box office bomb Chi-Raq. Both movies got their plot from Greek playwright Aristophanes' non-copyrighted work Lysistrata. Rotten Tomatoes gave ITAGIYP 95 percent approval -- based on 11...