Australia’s Public Service Warning: One Punch Can Kill

How many one-punch kills does a community suffer before they start to make posters? Seems sucker punches have become quite common in Australia, sometimes with devastating results. Things are apparently bad enough down there that the public...

Question of the Day: Do Video Games Glamorize War?

61 If ever there was a war that lacked any hint of glamor it was World War I. Trench warfare was a meat grinder. tells the tale under the heading Death in the Trenches. Medical...

Question of the Day: Are Cable Gun Locks a Bad Idea?

71 A rather odd if entirely cute handgun choice by the LockPickingLawyer for his demonstration, but point taken. Anyone with basic lock picking skills can pick a Beretta-branded cable lock in no time flat. Or any...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Favorite Gun Song?

166 America's firearms culture informs and exploits our entertainment culture: TV, movies, video games and music. Music is arguably the most powerful medium when it comes to locking-in associations. Gun songs there are a plenty;

Question of the Day: Got .44?

106 Over at Shooting Illustrated, Tamara Keel sings the praises of the venerable .44 Special. But... "It was, in many ways, supplanted by its own offspring, since a revolver chambered for .44 Mag. could do...

Question of the Day: Have You Ever Dropped Your Gun?

72 In the video above, James Yeager riffs on his instructor's infamous negligent discharge, whereby a stomped-on SIG did what guns do when you pull or otherwise actuate the trigger. Mr. Yeager still reckons intentionally dropping your...

Question of the Day: Does Carrying a Gun Make You A Better Person?

Statistics show that licensed concealed carriers are less likely to commit a crime than the average citizen. D'uh. If nothing else, licensed carriers must undergo a background check. And know how to fill out...

Question of the Day: Pistol Caliber Carbine?

127 Over at thefirearmblog,com, Nathaniel F takes a shot at pistol caliber carbines. He reckons they suck (paraphrasing). Nate ain't got time for PCC owners who see ammo compatibility with their pistol as a tactical...

Question of the Day: What Was It Like for Guns Back In the Day?

56 According to our last reader survey, the average TTAG reader is 41. That said, we have plenty of OFWGs (and older folks of other colors) who were gun owners before our average reader was...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Bump-in-the-Night Gun?

147 My new bump-in-the-night gun is a 9mm 17-round striker-fired polymer pistol with night sights (to be named later) loaded with Hornady Critical Defense hollow-points. It's a handgun because I want a free hand to...

Question of the Day: Is the NRA Going Too Far in its Support of...

American Rifleman is the NRA's flagship publication and (in my opinion) the best of the various publications put out by the nation's oldest civil rights organization for its membership. The most recent edition asks...

Question of the Day: How Often Do You Go Shooting?

Back in the day, I'd bust some caps at the American Firearms School two, three, sometimes four days a week. After moving to The Live Music Capitol of America, my trigger time gradually decreased to a bi-monthly visit....