Question of the Day: Are GLOCKs Outdated?

138 You pull the trigger, it goes bang. Got it. But the days when Gaston's mob produced the only mega-reliable polymer pistol are long gone. Guns like the Springfield XD, Smith & Wesson M&P (now...

Question of the Day: How Many ‘Spare’ Rounds Do You Carry (If Any)?

98 Over at, legendary gun guru Massad Ayoob tackles the contentious question How Many Rounds Should A Pistol-Packer Pack? A Peck! OK, I added that last bit. As you might expect, Mr. Ayoob is not a great fan...

Question of the Day: Is It OK to Shoot The President, “Artistically” Speaking?

84 As you may know, Snoop Dog released a YouTube video (below) where he shot the president -- with a joke gun. Clearly, Mr. Dog (a.k.a., Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr.) felt the need to get...

Question of the Day: Does The Public Have a Right to See Videos of...

63 "Nearly six years after Arkansas police Officer Jonathan Schmidt was shot to death while pleading for his life," reports, "a dashcam video of his final moments still circulates on the internet — sometimes...

Question of the Day: What Was Your First Gun?

I just reviewed the Smith & Wesson SW22 Victory. (That be Jon Wayne Taylor smelling like Victory at The Range at Austin.) Certain members of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia were underwhelmed with both the gun and...

Question of the Day: What Gun for Lycette Cornejo?

43 Who is Lycette Cornejo? Does it really matter? Thanks to YouTube and social media, anyone can develop their own "brand," accumulate a following, and amass over 100,000 subscribers. Which makes Ms. Cornejo not much...

Question of the Day: Do You Have an Attorney On Speed-dial?

43 In the case above, a Florida man drew down on a process server who invaded his home. After his acquittal on brandishing carges, he tells it like it is. "Luckily, I'm in a position...

Question of the Day: What Do You Say to Europeans About Your Gun Rights?

104 TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia tend to be fatalistic about the fate of gun rights in California, New Jersey, New York, Hawaii and the like. Some consider these "slave states" lost causes and advise gun owners...

Question of the Day: Do You Support Veterans?

As a child of the 70's, as someone who grew up in a liberal enclave, I'm glad to see our armed forces getting the respect they deserve. I remember all too well how soldiers were...

Question of the Day: Do You Store a Gun in Your Car?

85 "A car is not a safe location ." That's the Atlanta PD's pronouncement after a visit from Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun agitpropmeisters, at The Trace, whose zeal for public safety brought the high number...

Question of the Day: What’s Wrong With Using Fear to Sell Handguns?

69 Yesterday, I debunked a Huffington Post article that claimed that the existence of a gun in an abusive relationship enabled domestic violence. In that case, as in so many others, gun control proponents used...

Question of the Day: Will Democrats Ever Drop Their Gun Control Platform?

In the era of Trump, the Democrat Party seems to be leaning even further left. Which is bit like drinking coffee when you can't sleep. But what if the Dems get their hat handed...