Question of the Day: Federal Concealed Carry Permit a Good Idea?

"Let's just bypass all this reciprocity stuff," TTAG commentator Binder suggests underneath a recent Quote of the Day. "The states can still have their own rules, but a Federally Issued National CCL would override all...

Question of the Day: Are You Ready for The Battle for National Concealed Carry...

Spotlight Falls on Red-State Democrats as a New Gun Fight Brews in Congress our friends at predicts. They ain't just whistling Dixie -- if only because The Trace is a New York City-based...

Question of the Day: NRA New York Times Attack Ad Says Nothing About Guns....

117 Donald Trump promised to get rid of "gun-free zones" on day one of his presidency. Yes, well, ditching Bush the Elder's Gun Free School Zones Act requires an act of Congress. So we'll give him a...

Question of the Day: Did President Trump Inspire The Kansas “Hate Crime” Killing? If...

The New York Times brings us up-to-speed on the Kansas shooting many commentators are blaming on President Trump's immigration policies. “The Jameson guys,” as some on the staff at Austins Bar and Grill knew the pair, were...

Question of the Day: Will Gun Owners Always Be A Persecuted Minority?

"Nearly one in every three Americans owns a gun, according to a study published in The Journal Injury Prevention by researchers Bindu Kalesan, Marcos Villarreal, and Katherine Keyes of Columbia University, and Sandro Galea of Boston...

Question of the Day: Will California Ever Go Constitutional Carry?

"No-compromise gun activists are building momentum for state laws that allow firearms owners to bring their weapons into public spaces without securing the government permits or completing the proficiency training now required in most...

Question of the Day: Are Guns Central to the American Culture?

73 Thom Hartmann hosts what he claims to be America's #1 progressive talk show. As boasts go, that's kinda like claiming that you make America's most delicious brussels sprout and kale smoothie. In this clip Mr. Hartman interviews...

Question of the Day: What New Slogan for The Marines?

117 While this question isn't particularly gunny, Marines have been known to carry guns. And use then quite effectively. But the USMC is no longer "The few, the proud, the Marines." So what should their new...

Question of the Day: Will Republicans Repeal Federal Gun Control?

72 In the clip (not magazine) above, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand reveals her "evolving stance" on gun control. No surprise there. When Ms. Gillibrand was a member of the House of Representatives, her Congressional...

Question of the Day: Does Irredeemable Evil Exist? If So, Are You Ready to...

82 We know evil exists. The 13-year-old chronicled in the video above, a teen who shot his great grandmother in cold blood, proves the point. Or does it? Some say "evil" is an outdated religious concept;...

Question of the Day: Is .223 Too Wimpy for Deer Hunting?

144 "If you are using a .223, are you seeking a one-shot clean downing of the animal?", George H. Block asks at "I have little against the use of the semi-autos while hunting, but...

Question of the Day: How Do You Carry Your Gun?

110 Inside-the-waistband (IWB) holster? Not for me. I don't like having to buy pants that are a size larger than normal, or the feeling of a gun growing out of my hip. Tactically, I can draw more...