Question of the Day: What Do You Say To Someone Who’s Mishandling a Gun?

76 I see it on the range and all the time in gun stores: someone pointing a firearm at something they're not willing to destroy. In case you think that's no biggie, a gun...

Question of the Day: Are We Still the Home of the Brave?

53 To spare you death by treacly music, here's the 411. Mayor Whatshisname in The Arrow episode above touts the "Firearms Freedom Act," which "respects our freedom and our lives." In other words, gun control! What's...

Question of the Day: How Do You Cure A Gun Shy Dog?

  It had been almost a year since I had a dog; Lola died last January. So when I noticed the puppies needed adopting at the animal shelter, it was a no-brainer to take one...

Question of the Day: Time for Gun Rights Advocates to Ditch Compromise?

"We are going to show this Governor how common sense and leadership should work, instead of Governor Malloy’s continual mismanagement of state funds and his outright bigoted hatred towards those who possess the means...

Question of the Day: What Do You Love About Guns?

Many members of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia are adamant: they do not love guns. They view their firearms dispassionately, thinking of them as nothing more and nothing less than tools. (GLOCK much?) At the same time,...

Question of the Day: Armed EMT’s and Firefighters?

"Waco Fire Chief Bobby Tatum, said he’s adamantly opposed to firefighters carrying guns on duty," reports. “'I would be in favor of leaving guns in the hands of police officers,' Tatum said. 'We have...

Question of the Day: OK to Shoot Bad Guys From a Helicopter? Drone?

75 "Mexico's Secretariat of the Navy said federal security forces killed Beltrán-Leyva cartel regional leader Juan Francisco Patrón and seven others during a shootout," reports. And how! The video above shows an American-made Apache...

Question of the Day: NRA Veep LaPierre Earned $5m+ in 2015. You OK With...

232 As my father taught me, something is worth exactly what someone's willing to pay for it. So there's no question that NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre was worth $5,110,985 in 2015. For those who wish to...

Question of the Day: Reloading Under Fire? Seriously?

Over at, Jeff Johnston gives readers an introductory lesson in home defense shotguns. The article is stocked with sound advice from a variety of gun gurus: racking your shottie won't scare off bad...

Question of the Day: Are You Still Buying Guns Like You Did Pre-Trump?

79 Grant Stinchfield has some predictions for 2017 (1:20 above). The NRA commentator reckons we'll see a "slight" drop in gun sales thanks to Americans stocking up in 2016. But the numbers "will rebound as...

Question of the Day: Should the NRA Promote National Constitutional Carry?

"Publicly, the NRA of today now forcefully (if fancifully) decries expanded background checks as a backdoor to a national gun registry, and, from there, nationwide gun confiscation," Florida gun owner Adam Weinstein writes at...

Question of the Day: How Hard Is it to Get a Concealed Carry Permit...

Wyoming has Constitutional carry for residents. Like many such states, it also offers a concealed carry permit for residents seeking reciprocity in states that recognize its permit (e.g., Idaho, Montana, Utah and Colorado. where I visit family...