Question of the Day: Do Republicans Have the Balls to Use the “Nuclear Option”...

"Peter Ambler, executive director of Americans for Responsible Solutions, a gun control super PAC, said his organization plans to fight national reciprocity 'tooth and nail,' threatening a Democratic filibuster of the legislation in the Senate,"...

Question of the Day: Should We Ditch Background Checks Entirely?

"A clerk who spoke to the trio said the hair on the back of his neck went up after talking with them, putting him and another clerk assisting him on high alert that...

Question of the Day: Is Your Gun The Ultimate Symbol of Independence?

"One NRA member I interviewed said something along the lines of, 'Whenever I get pissed off at the government I go out and buy a gun.'," sociologist Scott Meltzer told Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun agitprop...

Question of the Day: What Gun Stuff Did You Buy on Black Friday?

My inbox was stuffed with Black Friday offers, hawking irresistible discounts and special offers on firearms and gun gear. I resisted, buying absolutely nothing. As the Simply Red song goes, money's too tight to mention....

Question of the Day: How Do We Tear Down The West Coast Wall?

"The foundation for the West Coast Wall of Gun Control was laid on election night," the Firearms Policy Coalition writes. "Voters in California, Nevada and Washington all voted for ballot initiatives that are designed...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Barrel of Deaths!

"The Supreme Court decided in 2008 that the constitution’s Second Amendment, which begins with a clause about militias, gives individuals the right to own guns. Many Americans have come to embrace a novel political...

Question of the Day: Who’s the Biggest Anti-Gun Rights Turkey?

We've already asked our Armed Intelligentsia about the giving thanks part of Thanksgiving. More than a couple of commentators were grateful that Hillary Clinton didn't become the President of the United States, what with...

Question of the Day – What’s the Best Reaction to Shooting a Gun That...

55 Here we have a Scotsman documenting his first time pulling a trigger. Well, a few of them. Anyway, to hear the powers that be from his homeland tell it, no true Scotsman would contemplate...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Favorite Shooting Drill?

42 There's no shortage of shooting drills you can use to improve your accuracy. The aim small, miss small drill, as above. There's dot torture. The 1-2-R-3 drill. The only problem: most people don't do them. When they...

Question of the Day: What Are You Thankful For?

Yes, we know you won't be carving the bird until Thursday. But if going around the table and declaring one thing you're thankful for is a ritual where you'll be having dinner, it helps if...

Question of the Day: How Does The Anti-Gun Media Survive?

41 The Dallas Morning News is responsible for the anti-gun agitprop above. A video which starts off by proclaiming "thirty-three-thousand Americans are killed by guns every year." A statement which unselfconsciously suggests that guns are...

Question of the Day: What Three Guns for the Apocalypse?

143 TTAG Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day Hall of Famer FPSRussia last posted on his YouTube channel seven months ago. His astounding lack of productivity -- a fallow period that began immediately after his manager was...