Question of the Day: What Is It With “Assault Weapons”?

TTAG resident war hero Jon Wayne Taylor (above left) spent a good part of yesterday teaching a gun muggle how to shoot various firearms. Linda (not her real name) is a former New Englander looking...

Question of the Day: Why Won’t Democrats Support Gun Rights?

Over at, David Cordrea writes about the nomination of Keith Ellison for head of the Democratic National Committee. "They’re showing their desperation. They’re also showing they haven’t learned a thing about the people who...

Question of the Day: Did Gun Rights Voters Swing the Presidential Election?

103 In this congratulatory video NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre credits NRA members for swinging the presidential election for Donald Trump. The mainstream media has all but completely ignored the idea that the gun vote torpedoed...

Question of the Day: When Did Ignoring Terrorism Become A Victory?

36 Today's the one-year anniversary of the most recent terrorist attacks in Paris, including the Bataclan music venue. In that assault, the gunmen began the slaughter unopposed; not one audience member amongst the approximately 1500 ticket holders was armed...

Question of the Day: How Great is a Self-Defense Shotgun?

50 In the video above, an armed self-defender uses a pump-action shotgun mounted to the front of his ATV to pretend-perforate a perp. Despite the fact that Jacob knew an attack was coming (the cameramen...

Question of the Day: What Gun Control Repeal Should President Trump Tackle First?

I reckon national reciprocity would be the single most important change a Trump administration could make to America's firearms freedom landscape. If all 50 states were forced (coerced?) into recognizing others states' carry permits, the pressure to restore...

Question of the Day: Did You Convince Anyone to Vote for Trump?

82 Later today, I'm going to hold my nose, cover my ears, block my eyes, and vote for Donald Trump for president. But that's me. The percentage of the American electorate who "vote their guns"...

Question of the Day: Is Your Workplace a “Gun Free Zone”

I snapped this "no 1911's allowed" sign in front of Round Rock's Salata restaurant. Unless Salata posts a 30.06 (concealed carry) or 30.07 (open carry) sign at all entrances, a gun owner is free to walk in...

Question of the Day: How Well Do You Know Your Firearm?

57 We live in a society where mechanical skills are less highly valued than the ability to gather Facebook friends and Instagram followers. Where replacement trumps repair, and repair is some other guy's job. So...

Question of the Day: What Handgun Ammo for Self-Defense?

"For years, Speer Gold Dot has been the pinnacle of duty handgun ammunition performance," the company's presser proclaims. "New Gold Dot G2 builds on this reputation with a next-generation duty bullet design. Instead of a...

Question of the Day: Why Hasn’t America Launched a War on Gangs?

"Young people are dying on our streets because too many legislators will not take a stand against the powerful gun lobby," columnist Mary Mitchell writes. "Gang activity is undesirable, but it is not killing...

Question of the Day: How Much Do You Trust the Government?

56 PBS Student Reporting Labs? So my federal tax money is paying to create and promote Bria Shaw's pro-gun control rant (via the Communications Arts High School in San Antonio, Texas). Admittedly, it's a small portion of the $445m Congress allocates to...