Question of the Day: Got Safe?

75 According to Wranglerstar, the humongous safe sheltering your firearms was designed for an earlier time. "I can get into one of those things with a $10 grinder and couple fiber blades from Harbor Freight that I spent...

Question of the Day: Pocket Carry?

70 FMG's American Handgunner sent me a link to this ancient-by-Internet-standards video of ccwbreakaway pants. The comments have been disabled -- probably because some viewers thought the carry system is a stupid idea. Or maybe...

Question of the Day: Would You Shoot Down a Drone?

83 The expression "a man's home is his castle" is derived from an English homeowner's right to defend his dwelling by any means necessary, including lethal force. That right disappeared from The Land of Hope and...

Question of the Day: Is Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal Good for Gun Rights?

58 If the ongoing FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails tips the balance toward Donald Trump's presidential bid, the secret server scandal will be good for gun rights. Whatever you think of Mr. Trump --...

Question of the Day: Can You ‘Get Off the X’? [Video NSFW]

56 It's not fight or flight. It's fight, flight or freeze. Of the three, the freeze response is the most likely. I've seen countless videos in which an attacker brings a gun to bear on innocent...

Question of the Day: Hero or Vigilante?

80 First of all, result. While many of you who would have preferred to see the armed robber suffer lethal lead poisoning, the "good guy  with a gun" stopped the robbery before any innocent person...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Do You Really Need A Self-Defense Firearm?

78 I know: it's The Bill of Rights, not The Bill of Needs. The Second Amendment prohibits the government from infringing on Americans' right to keep and bear arms -- regardless of their "need" to...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Who Have You Taught to Shoot Lately?

One of the reasons we started the Texas Firearms Festival -- besides providing a fun, truly unique shooting experience -- was to further the gun culture. From its first year back in 2014, we...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Home Carry?

105 I find it odd that gun owners don't home carry. I guess they figure they'll get some kind of heads-up before an attack. Alarm going off. Dog barking. Door crashing. Something. That they'll have...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Should Hunting and Fishing be a Constitutional Right?

"Hoosier voters will decide on Election Day whether to make hunting and fishing a protected right in Indiana, just like free speech or religion," reports. "If the constitutional amendment is approved, Indiana would become the 20th state to pass...

DeSantis Question of the Day: Would You Ask Your Kid to Take the Pledge...

"U.S. Attorney John Fishwick Jr. is encouraging students to make a pledge against gun violence," Virginia's reports. "Fishwick and agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives talked to kids at Patrick...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Ever Lost a Friend Over Guns?

I remember the exact moment I lost a college friend. We were standing on the bluffs overlooking Warren's Point, watching waves crash onto the rocks on a picture perfect day. As I struggled to keep my...