DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Are ‘High Capacity’ Magazines Really a Must?

124 Reader freddy fender writes: It's probably safe to say that most readers are convinced they must have 30 or more rounds in a magazine for effective self-defense, at home or away. The reasoning seems to...

DeSantis GunHide Question of the Day: Who’s Funnier, Pro or Anti-Gun Control Folk?

35 The Brady Campaign to Prevent Violence recently unleashed a video calling for a ban on toddlers -- to stop them from shooting themselves and others. Get it? In contrast, the video above. I literally LOL'ed at the revelation that there've...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Are You Buying Guns Ahead of the Presidential...

"A gun store in Las Vegas thinks that gun prices will skyrocket if Hillary Clinton wins the presidential election," reports. "Westside Armory ran a 'Pre-Hillary Sale' newspaper ad warning that 'prices will skyrocket after...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Would You Shoot to Defend Property?

"WDSU News 6 reports 9-28-16 in New Orleans, Louisiana, police arrested an elderly man they said shot one of two men he saw in his shed around 3 a.m. Wednesday in the St. Claude neighborhood," Bob...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Can You Fix Stupid?

54 This may seem like a stupid question, but there's a whole lot of stupid out there. In absolute terms I mean. Percentage-wise, not so much. The vast majority of American gun owners are entirely responsible with firearms,...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Is There An Anti-Gun Media Conspiracy?

"The Trace was founded on the idea that America’s high rates of gun violence are compounded by a deficit of information about the issue," editorial director James Burnett writes in a "special note" email. "This...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: What’s the Most Believable Gun Movie You’ve Ever...

160 Hollywood spends a lot of money training actors to look like they know what they're doing with a gun. That said, plot and audience excitement trumps authenticity in many if not most cases. Trigger...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: How Do You Store Your Bedside Gun?

99 Yesterday, we asked you about safe storage laws. Today, I want to zoom in on bedside guns; the ultimate question of access vs. operational readiness. Plenty of manufacturers offer so-called "quick access" handgun safes, with a...

DeSantis Holsters Question of the Day: Safe Storage Laws. Yes or No?

Over at The Trace, Mike Spies describes the defeat of Tennessee's "MaKayla's law," penalizing gun owners who fail to store their firearms safely resulting in accidental death or injury. As you'd expect, the report...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Are Guns A Gateway to Conservative Thinking?

73 Forbes is a bit late to the post-Pulse nightclub "gays arming themselves for their own protection" story. But this beautifully produced video on The Pink Pistols makes the point: guns save lives. The question...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Are You Addicted to Guns?

"To get a sense of the nation’s addiction to firearms, consider the numbers," asks its readers. "More than 11 million firearms are manufactured in the US each year, and another five million are imported....

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Is There a Suppressor in Your Future?

91 As this promotional video from Rebel Silencers demonstrates, suppressors have become ever more plentiful and affordable. Their new SOS-22 runs a mere $99. That might make a great stocking stuffer this Christmas if it...