DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Are Gun Control Advocates Unpatriotic?

There's been a lot of talk about patriotism lately, what with San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand during the National Anthem. Last night, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accused her Republican...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Is “Gun Violence” A “Sign of Cultural...

65 "Something is wrong in America when fellow citizens use firearms to settle differences," opines. "Something is wrong when so many families are forced to grieve the senseless loss of a loved one lost...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Gun Gurus. Who Do You Love?

77 "I was watching a video this morning of a so called Instructor flaming about the age old standard of teaching the reaction and remedial of an adrenaline dump," South Florida Gun School's Bob Harvey...

Question of the Day: Do You Respect the Police?

189 Donald "Law and Order" Trump trumpets about the selfless dedication of America's law enforcement officers. Black Lives Matter assert that some, if not many, if not most police officers are racist thugs looking to plug...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Live Pigeon Shooting. Yea or Nay?

82 I consider pigeons flying rats. But, as any student of the environment knows, even the nastiest animal serves some purpose in the ecosystem. Flies, for example, are mother's nature's garbage disposers; their maggots feed...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Are Pro Shooters Even Human?

31 After the course of fire above, pro shooter Max Michel says a bunch of words, indicating that he's a human being capable of human speech. But I wonder . . . the things Max...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: True of False: “No chance that ATF...

71 Over at Montana's, Norman A. Bishop wants to reassure gun owners that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (And Really Big Fires) isn't coming for their guns. "Contrary to rumor, the ATF has...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Where Does the Gun End and the...

24 A TTAG reader writes: Given the cornucopia of gun parts and accessories (not to mention one-off, custom firearms). Where does the equipment end, and the shooter start? Can a rifle or handgun be constructed in...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Is It Morally Acceptable to Love Machine...

71 Please note: this not my question. I scraped it word-for-word from's headline. Here's the sub-head: "Every year, hundreds of people attend the Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot, cultivating a love for assault weapons in an...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Gun Rights…Reasons To Be Cheerful (Part 1)?

31 TTAG has been railing against "gun buybacks" since the site began. At best, they're security theater; a meaningless gesture designed to allow politicians and community leaders to convince gun muggles they're doing something about...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Got Dog?

74 I'm not much of a hunter. OK, I don't hunt. At the tender age of 57, I'm looking at entering the hunting fraternity, courtesy members of TTAG's Texas crew. One good reason to do...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Name Three Reasons to Carry A Gun

85 I've never been in a "real" fight in my entire life. This despite the fact that I have a mouth on me. Even in high school, where fights were an almost daily occurrence and...