Question of the Day: Why Do 13 States Continue to Ban Silencers?

4 Can U feel the love tonight? Here's the case for silencers from Advanced Armament Corp's Can University (geddit?): "Silencers generally increase the accuracy of a host firearm while reducing recoil and eliminating up to...

Question of the Day: How Much Do You Love Your Gun Dog?

I have guns and dogs. But I don't have a gun dog. But if I did, I sure would love it. I'd love my dog so damn much I'd write a love letter to...

Question of the Day: Where’s the Best Gun Store?

I frequent a gun store that reminds me of the jeans' section of Sears & Roebuck. In 1962. Or any store in Hungary before the Wall came down. Joyless. Lifeless. Bland. Boring. Given the...

Question of the Day: Can America’s Big Gunmakers Make a Proper Trigger?

Regular readers will know that TTAG has had a major beef with Ruger re: the trigger on the SR40. The go pedals on the guns we sampled (more shocking info to follow) stage like...

Question of the Day: How Picky Are You About Your Practice Ammo?

9 I'm fanatical about my carry ammo: it's Hornady Critical Defense or, uh, Hornady Critical Defense. "Nominal tissue damage" just doesn't cut it. So to speak. As for what I shoot on the range, meh....

Question of the Day: Why Don’t You Own a .50 Caliber Rifle?

8 What possible excuse could you have for not owning at least one .50 caliber rifle? Price of entry? Four grand and change will get you into a brand new Barrett Model 99. That's less...

Question of the Day: Which Gloves Do You Use for Shooting?

Gun Guru Massad Ayoob recently blogged about cold weather shooting. As usual, condoms were mentioned. Ayoob also shared input from his expert readers on winter lubrication (of the non-alcoholic variety) and handwear. And so...

Question of the Day: How Would You Make This Drill Better?

1 OMG. I'd give my left testicle for a "gun range" like this. When the last sprog goes to college, I am SO heading West. (Like totally.) While any firearms exercise that involves running and...

Question of the Day: Resources for Firearms Home Study?

I've been around guns all my life. My father and grandfather retired from long, successful careers with the Denver Police. Out of high school, I joined the Colorado Air National Guard and served for...

Question of the Day: For What Are You Thankful, Gun-Wise?

It's hard for people who don't love guns to understand those who do. In some places---commonly referred to as "Blue States"---this gun gap is a hidden chasm. You can no more argue for unabridged...

Question of the Day: Is It Ever OK To Point a Gun At Someone?

1 "It's unloaded" are the two most meaningless words in the English language. But even after I inspect a gun personally, I still avoid pointing it at another human being. Nor do I allow other...

Question of the Day: Volunteer Cops?

It's often said that America has an all-volunteer Army. I don't think so. Every United States soldier receives a paycheck. The compensation may be meager (and the hours inflexible), but I reckon that getting...