Question of the Day: What Do Your Defensive Guns Wear?

Forty years ago, the concept of the ‘modular firearm’ did not exist, and the firearms accessory industry was an infant in diapers. Other than hunters who might add a sling and a scope...

Question of the Day: ’tis the Season for Stupid Xmas Presents for Gun Owners?

As a young man, I used to stay with family friends in their lyrical home in Mountain Brook, Alabama. One of the Goldstein's kitchen cabinets was filled with owls made of glass, porcelain, wood...

Question of the Day: How Much Do You Miss the Warm Weather?


Question of the Day: Should the Jury See the MA Machine Gun Death Video?

In 2008, eight-year-old Christopher Bizilj shot himself in the head after he lost control of a small machine gun at the Westfield Gun Show. The State charged Edward Fleury, the former Police Chief who owned the...

Question of the Day: Should Santa Be Packing Heat?

"It portrays to the kids that it's OK for Santa to be carrying a gun, and therefore, its OK for them to be carrying a gun," local resident Monica Sliva told Californnia's WLS-TV. Needless to...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Plan When The SHTF?

9 The rabbi is as right wing as they come, and he comes armed to the teeth. David is a member of the oft-mentioned liberal base. He keeps enough firearms and ammo for a two-month...

Question of the Day: What’s the Best Fitness Regimen for Self-Defense?

5 I've joined a gym. They've got all the machines, plenty of natural light, and they're right near the supermarket. Mmm. Donuts! Just kidding. I'm a binary kind of guy. When I do something, I...

Question of the Day: Convenience Store Stickup. Shoot or Don’t Shoot?

25 A few days ago, RF posited this "shoot / don't shoot" scenario: I’m in the back of a convenience store with my...

Question of the Day: Are Gun Owners Responsible for Each Other?

Mikeb302000 doesn't like gun owners much. No surprise there. He doesn't like guns. Or, more specifically, what people with guns do with them. Some people? I'm not sure Mikeb's capable of---or interested in---making...

Question of the Day: How Many Guns Do You Need?

15 "Beware of the man with one gun. He knows how to use it." This oft-quoted adage predates the invention of semi-automatic weapons with reliable, bullet-laden magazines. Back then, the best way to reload a...

Question of the Day: Is Armed Self-Defense Plan B?

In this picture, the "victim" is in a bad, bad way. Assuming that's a gat in the mugger's mitt, the driver guy's about to get his proverbial clock cleaned. By the time Mr. Glasses...

Question of the Day: What Gun Stuff Did You Get for Christmas?

Truth be told, I've been shooting my yuletide FN SCAR for about four weeks now. As I told Sam, if I didn't pre-zero my modern home defense sporting assault anti-zombie rifle before the...