Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: The Second Amendment Protects the First

"Back in Ramadi, with ISIS forces approaching, Enders did what he had never done before: He relented and, somewhat cheekily, asked for a gun. 'That was being faced with the almost certain likelihood of...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: George F. Will’s Call to Repeal...

"The National Rifle Association is perhaps correct and certainly is plausible in its 'strong' reading of the Second Amendment protection of private gun ownership. Therefore gun-control advocates who want to square their policy preferences...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Lack of Self Awareness Edition

“Wow, is that how people see me? I have these other aspects of my life that no one knows about. I’m an artist, I’m a musician. Nobody knows that. They just see me as the...

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.27.16: A Trump Challenge, a Clinton Thank-You, and Super...

S.C. is the place to talk guns - A challenge to The Donald: "But I wonder if Trump would come to Charleston, stand in front of Mother Emanuel Church and explain to everyone why...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: The New York Times Chastises Trump...

"Mr. Trump’s supporters should be asking where in all his tweets and thunder there is believable concern for the nation’s gun victims instead of adolescent fantasies that they would have been better off armed...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Gabby Giffords Pines for President Pantsuit

"Speaking is difficult for me, but come January, I want to say these two words: Madam President." - Gabby Giffords in Giffords: Pick Clinton for gun safety

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Sheriff Clarke Has The Last Word...

"The only person that is safe in a gun-free zone is the criminal." - Sheriff David Clarke

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Shannon Watts Tells [What She Thinks...

102 "What we're hearing from on Twitter and from what we're see reflected in the media often is a very vocal minority, um, a minority that the gun lobby has made very afraid that their guns...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Hillary Is Coming For Your Guns!

61 "So I’m going to speak out. I’m going to do everything I can to rally people against this pernicious, corrupting influence of the NRA, and we’re going to do whatever we can. I’m proud...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Why Shannon Watts Won’t Be Touring...

61 "What we have that is causing so many blockades is an incredibly intransigent, extreme gun lobby. And no other nation has that. This is a gun lobby that makes up its own facts, that...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Michelle Obama Blames Boredom for Inner...

"We can't be surprised with what kids do with idle time. And that's sort of one of the things — when we look at crime rates and all that sort of stuff, it's like,...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: The Trace On UT Cop’s...

  "A police officer at the University of Texas at Austin accidentally shot himself yesterday. Cory Morrison was standing outside a patrol car, talking to fellow officers, when his handgun went off and sent a bullet...