Quote of the Day: Truer Words Edition
"As long as people feel like they can victimize you and shoot and kill you and you're just going to sit and pray, they'll keep doing it." - W. Marvin Dulaney, Department of History Chair...
Quote of the Day: Cultural Disconnect Edition
"Despite a long-standing decline in violent crime and recent political victories for gun regulation in Washington State and elsewhere, gun culture in the U.S. continues to grow more aggressive. If the recent Pew survey...
Quote of the Day: I Support the Second Amendment But . . .
"Firing a machine gun should be left to people who know what they're doing." - Beth Kassab in Machine-gun attraction trivializes firearms
Quote of the Day: Your Attitude May Depend on Your Latitude Edition
“Well, you know, some people get toys and stuff like that for Christmas. Other people, when I was growing up, I got guns from Santa Claus. I mean, it’s just a matter of where...
Quote of the Day: Differently Abled Edition
“It is obvious that these weapons are being used to kill people. I think that is plain as the day is long. That is what these weapons and munitions are used for.” - US...
Quote of the Day: Never Trust a Car Dealer Edition
"A few of the people are really ugly. I just want it to go away, to tell you the truth." - Mark Oberholtzer in Texas plumber's old truck resurfaces in Syria, mounted with terrorists'...
Quote of the Day: Gun Control Advocates Shooting Themselves in the Foot Edition
"Supporters of gun control have sought to highlight the vast number of shootings that have occurred in recent years. But while it seemed to make sense, it may not have been a good strategy....
Quote of the Day: What a Rush Edition
"It just happens to be a little higher on the adrenaline scale than a gift shop or a miniature golf course." - Wes Doss in Machine Gun America to open in Kissimmee
Quote of the Day: Predictable Effects of Prohibition Edition
"You will find guys who are doing firearms trafficking, or knuckleheads who come down here from other places and acquire guns and steal guns and take them back up North and dispose of them...
Quote of the Day: Define “Misleading” Edition
"Media coverage of Pew's question creates a misleading perception that a choice must be made between protecting gun rights and supporting broadly popular gun safety regulations." - What The Media Isn't Saying About Support For...
Quote of the Day: Making the Right Decisions Edition
"These scenes don't play out like they do in the movies. It's incredibly stressful. To think that the untrained, inexperienced person in that stressful situation will make all the right decisions is, I think,...
Quote of the Day: The Problem With Guns Edition
"There have been almost 1,000 seizures at this point and in many of the affidavits you read these stories of how desperate people feel. The problem with guns is there's no going back from...