Quote of the Day: Striking Fear Edition
"We do not send our children to school to learn how to hide from gunmen, nor should we expect sharpshooting to be a job requirement for educators. You may not have heard about all...
Quote of the Day: Healthy Discussion Edition
“When all is said and done it would be a much healthier discussion if everybody was willing to admit that you are bringing a risk into your home and your life that doesn’t exist...
Yes, Shooters and Tree-Huggers Can and Do Coexist
The hook-and-bullet crowd isn’t always a natural partner with environmentalists, but even in this era of hyper-partisan politics, the groups’ commitment to healthy habitats gives them a common cause. Whether or not they realize...
Quote of the Day: The Police Are Not Outgunned Edition
"Multiple studies, including from the Justice Department, have shown that the guns used in homicides, including the killing of police officers, overwhelmingly tend to be small-caliber handguns. Moreover, gun ownership has increased over the...
Quote of the Day: Ding Dong Edition
“The NRA very rarely — if ever — agreed with Rep. McCarthy on firearm policy issues. Nonetheless, we sincerely wish her all the best in her retirement.” - NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam in Carolyn McCarthy,...
Quote of the Day: They Really Are Out of Ideas
"Ours is a gun culture animated by rugged individualism, dramatized by Hollywood and policed by the National Rifle Association (NRA). Days after Sandy Hook, an NRA spokesman said: 'The only thing that stops a...
Quote of the Day: Toy Guns Rn’t Us Edition
"(W)e need targeted voluntary efforts against (toy guns). A good start is the toy gun buyback organized by community activists in Cleveland, who will offer books, other toys or concert tickets in exchange for the guns....
Quote of the Day: No Time for Disarmament Edition
“The critics of our plan will say things like: ‘Guns and kids don’t mix’. They will say things like: ‘It’s a bad decision to put guns in the hands of non-trained people.’ They are...
Quote of the Day: Ballistic Big Brother Edition
"This product will give us the ability to know the exact time the officer drew his weapon, the time between the drawing of the weapon and the firing of the weapon, and then the...
Quote of the Day: Keeping it All in Perspective Edition
"The last thing you want as a police chief or a sheriff is to have a gun you sold being used in a crime. That would be a bad day and a bad headline."...
Quote of the Day: The Homeless Have No RKBA Edition
"While homelessness is a serious problem all its own, the defendant has offered no authority to support the idea that a person without a home may carry a firearm wherever he or she may...
Quote of the Day: Tough Choices Edition
“No cop goes out in the morning and says, ‘Hey, I’m going to go kill someone in the stairway.’ Every cop you meet could give you a litany of examples of times they wish...