Quote of the Day: Molon Labe Edition
"The defense of liberty boils down to this: 'If you try to take our firearms, we will kill you.' That was the Founders' answer. That is ours." - Dutchman6
Quote of the Day: I Call Short-Barreled Shotgun Edition
"The United States counters that while the possession of a short-barreled shotgun does not create a definite risk of physical injury, the emphasis is that there is possible risk, and the standard scenario of...
Quote of the Day: Tooling Up Edition
“Every time that door opens, we’re seeing new faces.” Metro Shooting Range manager John Stephenson in Gun sales spike as Ferguson area braces for grand jury decision
Question of the Day: What’s Your Fondest Family Shooting Memory?
Scratches and dirt on a video? For those of you born after VHS, it's a nostalgia thing, back from the days when people used something called film to record their family fun time. Anyway,...
Quote of the Day: Trending Up Edition
“While Gallup figures on U.S. gun ownership have not shifted much since 2006, the percentage of Americans who say that having a gun in the home makes that household safer has drastically climbed over...
Quote of the Day: Strict Scrutiny Edition
"There is no reason to restrict liberty in any way if exercising that liberty is not hurtful. Open carry is not hurtful." - Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson in Moms Demand Action Anti-Gun Group Opposing...
Quote of the Day: Illusory Edition
"I have no doubt that carrying handguns would compromise officers' ability to do their regular work, because when you carry a weapon, your primary concern is to protect that weapon. If this was balanced...
Quote of the Day: Must Do Better Edition
"At the rate of 1.0 (1:1), the United States has the highest per-capita gun ownership in the world. That’s one gun for every man, woman, and child in the United States. Figuring in the...
Quote of the Day: Three-and-a-Half Years for Attempted Murder Edition
“You turned to a gang for family support, for support in your life. And that is where we are failing as a society. You are a nobody in terms of that gang. You are literally...
Quote of the Day: Open Carry Amazement Edition
"It's amazing to me that I can walk up to a parent on school property and say, 'You need to put your cigarette out, you're not allowed to smoke on school property,' but I...
Quote of the Day: That Depends What You Mean by ‘Reward’ Edition
"(Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy) was really a strong, indispensable supporter of gun violence prevention after Sandy Hook and he should be rewarded for that." - Shannon Watts in Gun Groups Vie to Be Heard...
Quote of the Day: Gunners Are Cowards Edition
"Gunners need to face facts, including this one: They are some of the biggest cowards in the country. They constantly tremble in fear that someone may break into their house or that the boogieman...