Quote of the Day: Orlando Police Chief John Mina’s Bad Landing at the Wrong...
"We must close off all avenues for dangerous people to acquire firearms." - Orlando Police Chief John Mina, during a press conference for the National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence at the...
Quote of the Day: It’s A Matter of Trust Edition
"I do not have enough faith in our citizenry—regardless of their comfort level with handling guns—to believe that everyone would have and/or use the proper judgment in the many uncomfortable and sometimes intimidating, even...
Quote of the Day: Irreconcilable Differences Edition
"How do two neighboring, wealthy democracies have such different experiences with guns, one that makes a shooting on the northern side of the border so much more shocking? Maybe it has to do with...
Quote of the Day: Hope Over Experience Edition
“The Safe Act really meets the test of good gun policy. It keeps guns out of the wrong hands, and I think it does that quite effectively.” - New Yorkers Against Gun Violence executive...
Quote of the Day: “Guns Escalate Violence Against Gays” Edition
"Shelby Chestnut, a media spokesperson at the Anti-Violence Project, which targets LGBT community members, argues that guns are tools of hate crimes, not a way to prevent them. Citing the case of Cece McDonald...
Quote of the Day: Matthew McConaughey on Redskins and Gun Control
"What interests me is how quickly it got pushed into the social consciousness. We were all fine with it since the 1930s, and all of a sudden we go, 'No, gotta change it'? It...
Quote of the Day: Chrissy Teigen Tells It Like It Isn’t Edition
"active shooting in Canada, or as we call it in america, wednesday" - Tweet from supermodel Chrissy Teigen
Quote of the Day: World’s Smallest Violin Edition
“he thought that we could not translate that horror into reasonable... I mean, really reasonable... gun safety measures that were supported by the vast majority of the American people is for me something...
Quote of the Day: Many a True Word Spoken in Jest Edition
"Defenders of the Second Amendment should not only oppose restrictions to gun purchases and ownership (as they do already), but they should be advocating for a fully armed citizenry. By the age of 12,...
Quote of the Day: Vox Populi Edition
“If you’re going to restrict constitutional rights, it probably shouldn’t be by someone who isn’t elected.” - Castle Rock, Colorado Mayor Paul Donahue in Growing Town Asks Where Guns Fit In
Quote of the Day: And This is What Finally Dislodged Holder, Too Edition
“Based on the serial number from the police report obtained by Judicial Watch and documents obtained during our Fast and Furious investigation, we can confirm that the assault rifle recovered in the vehicle on...
Quote of the Day: Realistic Expectations Edition
"We have had increased patrols. Sometimes you don't always see it. It's a little bit of a false expectation to say, 'If a crime occurs, it's a lack of police.'" - Chicago Alderman...