Quote of the Day: With Acquaintances Like That Who Needs Enemies? Edition
"What did increase with gun ownership? The incidence in murders committed by loved ones, friends, and acquaintances, such as rival gang members. 'Not only do guns not protect people from having strangers kill them...
Quote of the Day: Where the Rubber Meets the Road Edition
"As such attacks take place, previously indifferent unarmed Americans will wish to arm themselves, only to find government imposed obstacles in their way." - Jonathan F. Keiler, Oklahoma Terror and Gun Control
Quote of the Day: Size Really Does Matter Edition
“I just need to see a weapon. I need you to be carrying a gun. As long as everybody has a gun we’re all the same size.” - Restaurant owner Kevin Cox in Restaurant...
Quote of the Day: Slippery Slope Edition
"Though this seems minor, if we don’t handle the minor things, they can unfortunately escalate into major things down the road." - Roger Feagan, superintendent of the Norborne R-VIII School District quoted in School tells...
Quote of the Day: Something Tells Me They’ll Get Over It Edition
"No one knows how many people have been shot since officers began carrying guns four months ago because of government secrecy." - Newly armed police in China say they fear their guns as much as...
Quote of the Day: Moms Demand Defenselessness For America Edition
"School shootings are not inevitable acts of nature like tornadoes or earthquakes. It's time for Congress to stand up to the gun lobby instead of asking teachers and students to stand up to gunmen."...
Quote of the Day: All He Is Saying Is Give Peace a Chance Edition
"On Sunday Mr Maduro said his government 'continued to pursue the dream, the utopia of a Venezuela in peace,' and promised to build 'peace with love, justice and a will to work.'" Venezuela's Maduro launches...
Quote of the Day: The NRA Won the Argument Edition
"I think we have enhanced the risks by changing the environment, basically, because it seems we bought the NRA's theory that we would all be safer if everybody in this audience had a gun...
Quote of the Day: Shannon Watts Thinks She’s Badass. No Really. Edition
"It makes our moms feel like badasses to take on the most powerful lobbying organization in the country." Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America jefe Shannon Watts, 'Badass' Moms Take Gun Fight To NRA's...
Quote of the Day: Thanks For Nothing Edition
"Mitch Barker, executive director of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, said county prosecutors would talk with local law enforcement to decide whether to prosecute . The association isn’t making an endorsement...
Quote of the Day: The Accidental Gun Owner Edition
"We didn’t want to live in a reality where the gun — and violence — became our go-to option for dealing with major problems; a lens through which we see the world. Even if...
Quote of the Day: Snowball’s Chance in Hell Edition
“The laws should be the same for the gun you buy and the gun you make. Our system of background checks and registrations are in place to ensure public safety. There’s absolutely no reason...