Quote of the Day: Appearances Can Be Deceiving Edition

"Owning a gun, shooting a gun, loading a gun and posing with a gun gives (politicians) creedence, they believe, in the eyes of conservative voters. The polarization of American politics has turned the process...

Quote of the Day: Electoral Calculus Edition

"(T)he truth remains that while ads with guns have proliferated, the only gun legislation that has made it through Congress in the past few decades has lifted restrictions on firearm usage. The flavor of gun...

Quote of the Day: Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Edition

"I would like to express my condolences and apologize to the people that were affected by the tragedy that occurred on Christmas Eve and I would like to ask for forgiveness. I can not...

Quote of the Day: Racialist Conspiracy Theory Edition

"Do you think there was any connection between the passage of the new Missouri gun law and the racial strife in Ferguson after the shooting of Michael Brown? It's as good a theory as...

Quote of the Day: Another Day, Another Hollywood Gun Hypocrite

http://youtu.be/DhPfCkuFqiw "I am totally for gun control in the U.S. The population of America is roughly 300 million and there are 300 million guns in this country, which is terrifying. Every day we're seeing some...

Quote of the Day: Don’t Blame the Gun Edition

"We should hold abusers — and no one else — responsible for the damage they inflict." - Leslie Morgan Steiner, He held a gun to my head. I loved him.

Quote of the Day: Golden Mean Edition

"One group would like to see guns outlawed completely -- a pointless endeavor, as it will not prevent criminals who have no respect for the law from acquiring guns. We have another group that...

Quote of the Day: How Do You Get Fewer Gun Nuts Edition

"During the trial it's become clear that Pistorius is a man about as unhinged as as the barn door at Dorothy's house after the tornado blew through. He took his gun with him to...

Quote of the Day: How Many Were Due to Open Carry? Edition

"As the largest grocery store chain in the country, Kroger has the responsibility to keep its shoppers and employees safe with a uniform national policy. It’s currently letting both groups down. In the past...

Quote of the Day: Real Estate Agents Should Not Carry a Gun Edition

"I recognize that we live in a scary world full of scary people. Realtors, real estate agents, brokers, and others have every right, duty, and responsibility to protect themselves. But count me among those...

Quote of the Day: No Mensch is an Island Edition

"Congregation Shearith Israel, in Atlanta, has no official policy allowing guns, which makes the carrying of a firearm inside the building illegal. But apart from the 'philosophical' problem of violating the law, the congregation’s...

Quote of the Day: Over the Top Edition

"Police have a tough enough job dealing with the bad guys. Now they have the additional challenge of being mindful of the message they're sending as they try to balance their own safety with...