Quote of the Day: Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition Edition

"Interestingly, Atwood does not make much of the one biblical passage used by Christians who are against all use of guns, except perhaps for hunting. That directive from Jesus is found in Matthew 5:39...

Quote of the Day: Safety vs. Liberty Edition

"It’s no secret that some people are not naturally responsible, and must have it enforced upon them, under penalty of law. We do that with everything else; why do guns get a pass? If...

Quote of the Day: Interplanetary Edition

“There wasn’t one piece of that bill that I couldn’t find something to point to and think, ‘Boy, oh boy, I must be on Mars." - Connecticut State Representative Craig Miner in After gun...

Quote of the Day: The Daily Kos Thinks You’re Stupid Edition

"The problem, you see, is that a whole lot of very stupid people went out and bought assault rifles because the NRA and other conspiracy groups were very, very sure that Barack Obama was...

Quote of the Day: Just Say No Edition

“I made a vow and a commitment. As long as I am sheriff of this county, I will not allow the federal government to come in here and strip my citizens of the right...

Quote of the Day: Geraldo! Edition

"Like I've always said, the Second Amendment, the provision that gives every American the right to keep and bear arms, is blind and stupid. In its relentless pimping for the gun industry, the NRA...

Quote of the Day: Forbidden Topic Edition

"For whatever reason, we have put guns on this very different level. It's a sacred thing to many people, which forbids us from having reasonable conversations." - Former intern to Gabrielle Giffords, Daniel Hernandez,...

Quote of the Day: F*ck The Second Amendment Edition

"This magazine bills itself as follows — 'Tactical Weapons is the exciting bi-monthly publication that is much more than a gun-test driven magazine.' Exciting??? Sorry, that’s not a word I want associated with someone...

Quote of the Day: Gun Owners Unfit to be Parents Edition

"Nope, sorry, not the fault of the instructor...this is the fault of idiotic parents who think there is nothing wrong will letting their 9 year old fire a f**king uzi...if you think your child...

Quote of the Day: Gun Sense And Sensibility Edition

"Gun sense is the idea that we can do much more to keep our families and communities safe from gun violence — that we can protect people, as well as their Second Amendment rights,...

Quote of the Day: There’ll Be Spandex Jackets One for Everyone Edition

"Having this kind of technology available for civilian sale — and imagining its potential role in violence — should give us all the creeps. It should be an outrage. But, in light of the culture...

Quote of the Day: Second Amendment Advocates Are [Secretly] Racist Edition

"The descriptive language doesn’t leave much doubt about whom they’re so afraid of, does it? Let’s just say that very few of those killers are likely to be big Toby Keith fans. Indeed,...