Quote of the Day: Don’t They Call Buff Biceps Guns? Edition

"Guns KILL people! As bodybuilders we are uniting to let it be known guns need to banned and we need to stop the endless violence in the United States." - About section of Bodybuilders...

Quote of the Day: Ya Think? Edition

"When a teacher combines a paranoid belief system, demonstrated mental instability, strong suicidal tendencies, repeated expeditions to purchase weapons, and expressions of homicidal desires, and when he refuses to give an honest account of...

Quote of the Day: The Road to Damascus Edition

"This is when and where my pro-Second Amendment evolution began – about a year into my time on the street, seeing victim upon victim. All unarmed. All defenseless. I began to realize things would...

Quote of the Day: What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate Edition

"It gives us the ability to get close to somebody to talk to them without being in harm’s way." - Walton County Sheriff’s Office Spokesman Mike Adkinson quoted in MRAP seen as protection by some,...

Quote of the Day: Walk A Mile in My Shoes Edition

"I really wish the Supreme Court justices who opened up the floodgates on guns had to take the calls I get at 2 o'clock in the morning from police sergeants and lieutenants about shootings."...

Quote of the Day: Who Knew? Edition

“Constitutional rights don’t mean different things in different states.” - Alan Gura quoted in Justice Anthony M. Kennedy may be the middleman in the gun rights debate

Quote of the Day: Tell That to the Ancestors of Lynched Blacks Edition

"Gun rights and civil rights aren’t anything like the same fight. Gun control isn’t slavery, and it isn’t discrimination on the basis of who a person is, therefore, it’s very insulting to claim that...

Quote of the Day: He Holds This “Truth” To Be Self-Evident Edition

"Here is a truth so fundamental that it should be self-evident: When legitimately constituted state authority stands down in the face of armed threats, the very foundation of the republic is in danger. And...

Quote of the Day: Baltimore PD Advice to Crime Victims

"We never encourage anyone to fight back. It's best to comply, but while you're doing that, try to get the best description possible as able to do and then immediately contact 911." - Baltimore...

Quote of the Day: Ode to Gun Control Edition

"America is adrift on a sea of preventable misery caused by gunfire. It is the poisoned water that surrounds all of us. Though occasionally tossed by the wave of a mass shooting, the Sirens...

Quote of the Day: Impure Thoughts Edition

"Hillary Clinton poses as the coolly thoughtful presider over a national conversation, but if you listen to what she's saying, she already has her answers and she's not going to let you hold any other viewpoint....

Quote of the Day: You Might Say That Edition

"Universal background checks seem perfectly reasonable to many people, because they might keep guns out of the hands of some weapons traffickers and other criminals." - Paul M. Barrett, Oregon School Shooting and the Gun...