Quote of the Day: That’s Just Crazy Talk Edition

"If government can't protect us, let them give us guns." - Resident of Chibok, Nigeria in 'Nigeria's Boko Haram crisis reaches deadliest phase'

Quote of the Day: What Goes Up… Edition

“Clearly the biggest reason for the slowdown in demand is that previous years’ sales were driven by fear of reform, and consumers are starting to realize this is most likely not going to be...

Quote of the Day: 800k DGUs Can Be Wrong Edition

"Even as we honor Wilcox appropriately, his death should give pause to any who insist that having more armed citizens is the best defense against a would-be killer. Even if one person were to...

Quote of the Day: The Bateman Returneth Edition

"So I will come home, and perhaps some of those 3,000 nutjobs who sent me hatemail might want to meet up, because I am more than fricking willing, you whining, little boy-toys who need...

Quote of the Day: I’d Like to Know Where You Got the Notion Edition

"Lawmakers and their constituents will have to relinquish the notion that any form of gun safety legislation will force law abiding citizens to give up their guns. There is no evidence to support that...

Quote of the Day: Shannon Watts on Good Guys with Guns Stopping Bad Guys

  "This has never happened. Data shows it doesn't happen."   - Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense of America, via cnn.com. 

Quote of the Day: Basic Civil Right Edition

"If you look at the early period of his leadership in the civil rights movement, particularly the period of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, his household, as one person noted, was an arsenal, with guns...

Quote of the Day: And We’ll Have Fun, Fun, Fun ’til They Take the...

"Lots of people like to engage their fantasies and play dress up. It's been a long time since I've had any desire to put on a Doctor Who costume, but plenty of adults regularly do such...

Quote of the Day: Punish Everyone Edition

"Instead of focusing on making it harder for the mentally ill to get guns, maybe we should be making it harder to get guns, period. Something to consider before the next mass shooting." -...

Quote of the Day: The Second Amendment Sucks Edition

"The Second Amendment is a miserably bad piece of writing. It is so vague that it could mean anything. Gun nuts assign it a meaning that they like and proclaim themselves infallible. Our forefathers...

Quote of the Day: Gun Control Advocates’ Agenda Revealed Edition

"Ban the guns, and slowly but inexorably bring our culture back from this violent, communal madness. It won’t be fast, it won’t be easy, it probably won’t even be possible given the political realities....

Quote of the Day: Transformers Edition

"It’s the ready availability of deadly weapons that converts individual pathologies into mass murders. It’s the lax gun laws that convert barroom confrontations or family disputes into individual murders. And it’s the failure to...