Quote of the Day: Ignorance Is Anti-Ballistic Bliss Edition

"The ease with which one can acquire automatic weapons and cop-killer bullets in the United States has created a very violent country. It makes sense, then, that rational citizens would want practical regulations limiting...

Quote of the Day: That’s One Scary Gun Edition

"I'm totally upset because if that gun is on the street, that assault rifle, with a 30-round magazine, that can do some damage within less than a minute. At any given moment, even tonight,...

Quote of the Day: Friendly, Law-Abiding Edition

“We’re not criminals. We’re not crazy people. We’re friendly, law-abiding people who care about self defense, our country and the Constitution." - Caleb Larsen (not pictured above) in Group wears guns to promote open...

Quote of the Day: And Good Will to Man Edition

“Weapons in a place of sanctuary seem to me to be inconsistent with a God of love. The prince of peace isn’t spelled P-I-E-C-E. It’s P-E-A-C-E.” - Bishop Rev. Robert Christopher Wright, quoted in 'Georgia’s...

Quote of the Day: Open Carry Infringement Edition

"In the real world, sane people do not confront armed men and women. They don’t argue with them over politics. They certainly do not put their kids in harm’s way in order to make...

Quote of the Day: Ultimate Authority Edition

"We want law enforcement to have the ultimate say over who can be armed in public -- not lobbyists with the NRA. Thankfully, the Supreme Court's brush-off of this latest challenge reaffirms that." -...

Quote of the Day: My Gun Speaks Volumes Edition

"Toting a weapon in a demonstration changes the stakes, transforming a protest from just another heated transaction in the marketplace of ideas into something else entirely. It’s bringing a gun to an idea-fight, gesturing...

Quote of the Day: You Can Lead a Horse to Water Edition

"I never intend to own a gun. I won't have a gun in my house. Please don't come over and rob me now." - Nashville Councilwoman Megan Barry quoted in Left-leaning Megan Barry takes gun safety...

Quote of the Day: The Heart of the Matter?

"Unsatisfying as it may be to contemplate, the United States needs to come to terms with the fact that it has a problem of the heart and not of the law. The material questions here...

Quote of the Day: Political Power Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun...

“Those in the law enforcement profession have complete power and authority over you, your life, you family, your loved ones, your rights, your freedom, your future, and everything precious to life.” - Onslow County, North...

Quote of the Day: Our Kind of Party Edition

"Door prizes are supposed to be fun kind of gifts. Sometimes they can be kitschy. Sometimes they can be coupons to restaurants, but they shouldn't be something that can actually kill someone." - New...

Quote of the Day: How’d That Work Out for You? Edition

"Allowing employees to have near, immediate access to firearms, at work, creates an element of risk that is unacceptable." Mark Hogan, vice president of security for FedEx, quoted in Guns-in-Parking-Lots Foes Speak Their Piece