Quote of the Day: Prof. Glenn Reynolds on the Limits of State Power
"I wonder if the primacy of individual self-defense under Heller and McDonald might not have implications for other areas of the law. At the core of Heller and McDonald is a constitutionalization of the right...
Quote of the Day: NY Governor Claims Confiscation Fears Unfounded
"You have been registering your handgun for decades and decades and decades. When has government ever come and knocked on your door and said, 'I know that you have five handguns because they're registered'?...
Quote of the Day: Don’t Scare the Sheep Edition
"Having armed guards at school entryways to ward off an active shooter, for example, relays the wrong message to students: that they have a target on their backs. Engaging youngsters in active shooter drills,...
Quote of the Day: Detroit Free Fire Zone Edition
"Certainly people have a right to defend themselves in their home but they do not have a right to make it a free-fire zone, and the chief, or his spokesperson, should never put that...
Quote of the Day: That’s Just Our Policy Edition
"If the soldiers at Fort Hood had been armed, it has been claimed by some, then first responders to the shooting would have been confused about who was the killer—with everyone in the same...
Quote of the Day: They Must Be Teaching Them Something Edition
“They say it’s a drug free and a gun free school, so why do they need guns?” - New Mexico Junior College student Annastasia Wood in College security guards armed with guns
Quote of the Day: Do it For the Children Edition
"We don’t teach respect for guns in Philadelphia, not really. We teach fear, we preach abstinence, we mount political crusades and there are good reasons we do so. But none of that seems to work. So...
Quote of the Day: Prophetic Edition
"It is stupid to me that anyone can have easy access to a powerful weapon without being mentally evaluated. This makes the government indirect accomplice (to Adam Lanza)... These bastards have perfected their way...
Quote of the Day: Leland Yee is an Inspiration to Us All Edition
“This FBI investigation of Leland Yee reveals how easy it is to import lethal assault weapons that were previously banned. This case should be a warning to us all that even the most trusted...
Quote of the Day: Diagnosing the Problem Edition
"...the last time there was a massacre at Ft. Hood, back in 2009, the perpetrator was a provider of psychiatric care, not a patient. Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was not clinically insane, unless the...
Quote of the Day: Bob Costas Rigs the Game Edition
“Here’s what I would say to anybody who any time they hear the word guns automatically goes off, like, ‘Oh, they’re going to repeal the Second Amendment. Let’s make a bet, you and me....
Quote of the Day: Good Luck With That Edition
"Consistently demonstrating how to handle conflict with patience and compassion will counter the myth we all see on TV and in movies, the myth that the best solution is force. Until then, I'll continue to...