Quote of the Day: Civilians Need Not Apply
"In the weeks since that blood-soaked first day of March, police nationwide have stepped up gun training. More armed patrols visit train stations and public squares. Experts call for quicker use of guns in...
Quote of the Day: More Crime, More Guns? Edition
"This paper estimates the impact of climate change on the prevalence of criminal activity in the United States. The analysis is based on a 30-year panel of monthly crime and weather data for 2997...
Quote of the Day: Run That By Me Again Edition
"We're not trying to take guns away. We don't want our police facing more powerful weapons than they have." - Bloomfield New Jersey Mayor Michael Venezia quoted in Anti-gun violence group visits Bloomfield
Quote of the Day: I’m Not Lara Croft Edition
“'I don’t want to be made out to be some tomb raider,' said Ros, 37 and a single mom of three. 'I am a woman who would like to have an opportunity to protect herself.'" Carrying...
Quote of the Day: New York Times “Not Clear” Edition
"On Thursday, the day the Georgia bill was passed, a fight broke out in a gray, windowless shack called Milo’s Bar in Marietta, an Atlanta suburb. As the brawl spilled into the parking lot,...
Quote of the Day: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Edition
"If fear, doubt and hesitation has been bred into you then being armed is probably not going to help you at all." - Tactical Response Trainer Jay Gibson
Quote of the Day: Artistically Correct Edition
"Nor did Florentine patrons commission statues of David because he looked good without his clothes. They commissioned statues of David because he was a martial hero who had felled an intimidating foe. They made...
Quote of the Day: CT Senator Blumenthal’s Hope for Change
"I think history is on our side. Whether it’s this session or next session or at some point in the future. We will prevail, no question in my mind . . . I hope...
Quote of the Day: A D-bag Walks Into a Bar Edition
“NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED - If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.” -...
Quote of the Day: Lipstick on a Pig Edition
“They had to settle for an insignificant victory that they tried to portray as something more than what it was. They didn’t get what they wanted.” - the NRA's Andrew Arulanandam in Gun control supporters turn...
Quote of the Day: An Armed Populace Can Hold Off an Entire Modern Army...
"In a rare visit to eight villages in Northern Sinai last week, a Reuters reporter saw widespread destruction caused by army operations, but also found evidence that a few hundred militants are successfully playing...
Quote of the Day: Thanks For Clearing That Up Edition
"If you're a single issue voter, and you just want someone to give you a full capacity assault rifle magazine, God bless you, you can go vote for somebody else. I'm not your guy."...