Quote of the Day: Well, It Worked for a While Edition

"(T)here is a vast spectrum of skin colors represented in (the 18th century south). Some people are very dark skinned and free. Some people are light-skinned and bound laborers as indentured servants were in...

Quote of the Day: So Much for Home Carry, Then

"I guess one take-away is that the victims of this crime should have had loaded guns on their laps, while they played cards, watched TV, or had a heart-to-heart with their friends. Yeah, and...

Quote of the Day: I Don’t Think Natural Means What You Think It Means...

"Game officials were not surprised this happened so quickly after the sheep were released in the Catalinas. Until a viable bighorn population is established there, any mountain lion that eats a sheep will be...

Quote of the Day: That’s a Feature, Not a Bug Edition

"Throughout this litigation, the city has offered a dizzying array of explanations about what the guidelines allow and don't allow. It is literally impossible for a person of ordinary intelligence to determine with any...

Quote of the Day: Tyranny of the Minority Edition

"We don't have to convince the country. We have to convince the lawmakers." - Americans for Responsible Solutions Executive Director Pia Carusone, Nearly a year after Sandy Hook, nation remains torn about what to do...

Quote of the Day: There But For the Grace of God Edition

“We are thankful for God’s grace and protection given this unsettling and unprecedented incident. We are committed to providing a safe environment for our church family to worship, and firearms are prohibited on our...

Quote of the Day: All He Is Saying Is Give Guns A Chance

"Nonviolence works with rational people. Gandhi would not have worked in Nazi Germany." Mexican poet, poet, essayist, novelist and journalist Javier Sicilia quoted in Legítimo y digno tomar pistola para autodefensa (Legitimate and worthy to take a pistol...

Quote of the Day: Beware of the One Direction Singer with One Gun Tattoo

"It is a shame that anyone would think it makes you look cool if you get a gun tattoo. Promoting guns in fashion could lead to gun violence and we certainly don't need any...

Quote of the Day: LEO Carve-Outs. It’s Complicated

"Backers said they didn't extend the law to police to prevent complications in the bill's passage." - New Gun May Trigger Old Law; New Jersey Measure Would Require That Pistols Be Operable Only by Specific Users...

Quote of the Day: The New York State of Mind Edition

“You combine the high tax load along with the fairly restrictive and fairly anti-gun stance that the state has, it makes it difficult to do business selling a product that the state doesn’t like.”...

Quote of the Day: Stamps are Phallic Symbols, Right? Edition

"DON’T bother with the “phallic symbol” thing. They don’t understand what it means, and the 'inadequacy' they feel is a bit more layered than that. They might feel inadequate physically, but it may just as...

Quote of the Day: Gun Control For the Children Edition

“Nobody’s political career is more important than protecting the American people. Who among us is of such value that we would not say, ‘I’ll take a risk, so that our kids don’t have to...