Police Knew Robert Card’s Mental Health Was Deteriorating, But Didn’t Feel Safe Confronting Him

  [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJU0XKdsGbM?si=J_2YLh8JsRASBRac&start=174] Police who declined to confront an Army reservist in the weeks before he killed 18 people in Maine’s deadliest mass shooting feared that doing so would “throw a stick of dynamite on a pool of gas,” according...

Your Annual Warning From Police That Airsoft Guns As Christmas Gifts Are Dangerous

Police are issuing a warning to parents who are buying their kids toy or airsoft guns this Christmas. Police are warning that because these toy guns look so real, they could be putting kids at...

Ayres and Vars: Standards Have Evolved So Property Owners Should Affirmatively State Whether Concealed...

The law of trespass has long hinged on legal inferences about what is and isn’t an implied invitation. A girl scout may ring your doorbell to sell cookies, because your doorbell and the paved walkway...
Rob Bonta

It’s Almost as if California’s Myriad Gun Control Laws Aren’t Really Meant to Improve...

Attorney General Bonta’s regulations would be a grievous error. By significantly shrinking the number of eligible and qualified instructors, millions of law-abiding Californians could lose access to the most critical aspect of being a...

Pope Slams Weapons Makers as Controllers of the ‘Puppet-Strings of War’

This is your armory at the Vatican. I appreciate your sentiment Your Holiness, but I don't think that you should be afforded protections that I am not. Have a blessed Christmas tho. https://t.co/nzeX9KsH8T pic.twitter.com/XGxiLgYgps —...

The Most Horrifying Thing About Stephen King These Days is His Contempt for Your...

Guns, Jimmy. Guns. https://t.co/hx3hsECfCv — Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 26, 2023 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js After police said that at least 19 people had been shot—three fatally—in gun violence across Chicago over the holiday weekend, Jordan shared an article about...

Colt’s Maxim: Wider Gun Ownership Spread More Equality in 2023

By gender, gun ownership especially boomed among women. Between 2019 and 2021, as gun purchases exploded, about half of firearm customers were women, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Women...