Quote of the Day: Now You’re Cookin! Edition

"Every time I write that maybe, just maybe, we should talk about guns, gun lovers send me the results of an NRA-cooked survey that found that 70 percent of Americans consider the Second Amendment...

Quote of the Day: Ivory Tower Edition

"Carrying a gun comes with an implicit threat. Gun holders can, at any moment, kill the people around them, and college campuses cannot remain centers of free inquiry and exchange if students and faculty...

Quote of the Day: How Did He Not See This Coming?

  "Maryland is armed to the teeth. We caused this rush, this stampede really, to purchase guns....It'll be a generation before the effects of this bill will be felt." - Maryland Delegate Luiz Simmons, Record gun...

Quote of the Day: Plain Speaking on Deterrence Edition

"I don’t want to shoot him but if somebody comes here, sure I will shoot him. I’ll shoot him and I will kill him. If I’ve got to shoot my gun, you’re not going...

Quote of the Day: Because They Say So Edition

“Why should anyone have to retreat or take an ass-whipping if a criminal attacks them?” - Chuck LaRosa (not pictured above), Protesters rally against 'stand your ground' gun bill

Quote of the Day: Accur81 Edition

"We live in a world where people are not bound by the law, and it takes more than law to stop them." - TTAG commentator Accur81 underneath "High Capacity Magazines”: Our Enemies Have ‘Em...

Quote of the Day: From His Lips Edition

"These guys want nothing to do with the SAFE Act, and they are not going to enforce the SAFE Act, except if they have a bad guy and they are putting him under arrest...

Quote of the Day: Disproportionate Use Edition

"Law enforcement, we walk around with a target on our backs everywhere. We're outgunned out there. These long rifles - we don't have the ammunition to come close to that. Little loopholes like this...

Quote of the Day: Could We Really Lose Piers Morgan?

  "'The authorities are turning a blind eye. They’re being bought off by the gun lobby and it makes America a dangerous place. When Elise goes to school that will definitely be in my mind. I...

Quote of the Day: Day of Kindness Edition

“It’s absolutely grotesque to suggest that if my mom had a gun that the Newtown massacre may have somehow turned out differently. She was a mother and an educator — not a Marine. And...

Quote of the Day: Justice vs. Vengeance Edition

"In all the years since the shooting, I have never come face-to-face with Franklin. I would love an hour in a room with him and a pair of wire-cutters and pliers, so I could...

Quote of the Day: Mandating Safety Edition

"The most effective tool was changing the design of cars, and that's in large part why I believe that we and do the same thing with guns. We do have to try to get...