NY City Mayor Eric Adams Struggles With the Facts in His Call for Another...

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is sounding more and more like one of his predecessors, Michael Bloomberg: a hypocritical gun control activist with truth problems. It’s notable given the mayor’s “Gotta get tough on criminals”...
Robert Crimo, Jr.

Father of the Highland Park Parade Shooter Reports for Jail Sentence Making a Political Statement

The father of the Highland Park parade massacre suspect reported to begin his jail sentence on Wednesday wearing a T-shirt saying “I’m a political pawn,” prompting a Lake County judge to threaten him with contempt of...
Itamar Ben-Gvir

Israeli Academic: To Thwart Creation of a ‘Gun Culture,’ Now is the Time to...

In addition to the hundreds of new volunteer units, Ben Gvir has called on individuals to “go, arm yourself.” Shooting ranges and gun stores in Israel have seen an increase in foot traffic as private gun licensing...
gun store sales counter AR-15 customer

Dickinson: The Gun Industry Markets AR Rifles for One Reason…’Deadly Domination’

The modern firearms industry’s mission couldn’t be clearer: profiting off the sales of weapons that can turn lone shooters into mass killers, or armed discontents into a homeland security threat. Documents produced by the...

Breaking NY Times Exclusive News Bulletin: Lake City Army Plant Makes AR-15 Ammo and...

The Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, built during World War II, has long been operated for the federal government by private contractors. Over the past decade, a New York Times investigation found, the site...

Mystal: The Republic Can’t Survive the Invalidation of Trump’s Bump Stock Ban

...Ian Millhiser brought up a terrible potential effect of this case that somehow makes everything worse: If the court strikes down the bump stock ban now, based on the legal ambiguity of the machine...
gun marijuana weed

Charles: The DOJ Has a Tough Row to Hoe in Defending Gun Bans for...

In defending this law, the government will likely argue that unlawful drug users are categorically more dangerous with access to firearms than ordinary citizens. Maybe. But it seems like it could be an uphill...

Nashville College Student Shot and Killed After Criminal Justice System ‘Reached the Limit of...

Shaquille Taylor, 29, was quickly identified as a suspect and taken into custody. Police said the gunfire came from a public housing unit across the street from the park and that Taylor was allegedly...

While the Supreme Court Isn’t Likely to Rule in Favor of Rahimi . ....

The most likely path forward is for the Court to give (in Justice Kagan's words) "useful guidance" for the lower courts on how to apply Bruen. And by "useful guidance," Justice Kagan means...

OMG! A Florida Roofing Company is Giving Away AR-15s and Turkeys! OMG!

Roof EZ president Jason Polly said in an interview that the company’s “Roof and Gobble” promotion is for customers to protect their homes with a roof, bring their families together over a turkey and...
Maria Vullo

Vox Writer More Disturbed by Possibility of NRA Court Victory Than the Violation of...

In February 2018, the Parkland, Florida, school shooting happened — killing 17 high school students and school staff. After this shooting, DFS issued a “guidance,” signed by Vullo, which encouraged insurers to “continue...
gun nation guns america map

Bookman: Politicians Know the Problem is Guns, But They Refuse to Acknowledge It

People in Great Britain, Japan, Australia and many other countries with low murder rates – they have the same human hearts that we do, right? I’m pretty sure the human heart is standard equipment,...