Quote of the Day: Why Didn’t We Think of That?

"Ask yourself: If (the Nairobi mall siege happened in) Denver, Col., if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly? What I'm saying is it makes...

Quote of the Day: Lying Down With Dogs Edition

"I'm here doing something unusual in these political times — a Republican senator here backing a Democratic mayor's (police superintendent) to solve the toughest crime problems bedeviling our state." - Illinois Senator Mark Kirk,...

Quote of the Day: Fortress America Edition

"If these idiots are this paranoid perhaps they should stay home and protect their fortress and not wander around on the streets. I do not want to live like this where people feel they...

Quote of the Day: Punch Drunk Edition

“Having a gun isn’t enough. Women who fear for their life don’t need a gun — they need to go to their local police department, they need to go a family member, they need...

Quote of the Day: I Couldn’t Do It Edition

"I have no previous firearms training. I have no idea what carrying a gun entails. I don't have the mindset to shoot and kill; I admit this about myself, which is why I have...

Quote of the Day: From the Mouths of Babes Edition

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640 "I'm not going to (expletive) tell you anything. You don't know what I'm capable of." - Unidenfied 11-year-old, Eleven-year-old who allegedly brought gun to school erupts after being ordered to remain in custody

Quote of the Day: Slight Exaggeration Edition

" have literally killed everyone in that terminal.” - Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, quoted in Deadly LAX shooting: Why did he do it?  

Quote of the Day: Rights vs. Privileges Edition

"Although I favor open carry, I do wholeheartedly support constitutional carry, openly or concealed. When one carries on the authority of a license or other permit, one has accepted a privilege in lieu of...

Quote of the Day: Bigots R Us Edition

“The coverage of gun control and gun issues is really the last vestige of group-approved bigotry. It’s the one place where you can make fun of an identifiable group of people, you can do...

Quote of the Day: It’s Not Rocket Science Edition

"I wouldn't expect a teacher to be prepared to use a gun for the same reason I wouldn't expect a police officer to teach advanced chemistry." - Sam Chapman quoted in Rattled St. Helens residents criticize...

Quote of the Day: Beware the Angry Neighbors Edition

  "Is it time to start arming Transportation Security Administration officials? No way . . . If you're the kind of person who thinks that every teacher and hall monitor and mall cop and cinema...

Guns.com Backs Metcalf: Regulations are Not Infringements

"Why people are so butt-hurt by Metcalf’s editorial is puzzling to me. The gun owners I pal around with are the smartest, most thoughtful and responsible people I know. To have a significant faction...