Quote of the Day: I Don’t Think Natural Means What You Think It Means...

"Game officials were not surprised this happened so quickly after the sheep were released in the Catalinas. Until a viable bighorn population is established there, any mountain lion that eats a sheep will be...

Quote of the Day: So Much for Home Carry, Then

"I guess one take-away is that the victims of this crime should have had loaded guns on their laps, while they played cards, watched TV, or had a heart-to-heart with their friends. Yeah, and...

Quote of the Day: Well, It Worked for a While Edition

"(T)here is a vast spectrum of skin colors represented in (the 18th century south). Some people are very dark skinned and free. Some people are light-skinned and bound laborers as indentured servants were in...

Quote of the Day: People Problem Edition

"Guns aren't also used for transportation. So do not tell me how cars kill as well. Knives, rope, even baseball bats. All have other primary purposes. Except guns. They have one goal. To kill....

Quote of the Day: “We Are Going to Confiscate Your Firearms” Edition

“If you do become prohibited, we are going to come confiscate your firearms. But only people who have done something in their life – committed a felony, committed a violent misdemeanor, they are a...

Quote of the Day: Rainbows and Butterflies Edition

  "Instead of knee-jerk vitriol against the NRA and the millions of law-abiding gun owners they represent, wouldn’t it be something if the President, or folks at the Brady Campaign, called up Wayne LaPierre and...

Quote of the Day: Don’t Hurt Yourself Edition

"For some reason or another, I just can’t buy into guns in school. I’m not sure that’s the best way to (take care) of the situation." - Gainesville Georgia school board member Willie Mitchell quoted in Gainesville...

Quote of the Day: Flower Power Edition

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTBSsMbK5e0 "I work for a private security firm and we are very interested in your product, but I do have some questions. Are they suitable for self defense and home defense? What kind of wound...

Quote of the Day: Matt in FL Doesn’t Need No Stinkin’ Stats Edition

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TABgNerEro8 "You keep bringing up England, as if there exists there some higher ideal that we should aspire to. In England, the population is made up of subjects, not citizens. Those subjects have traditionally been...

Quote of the Day: When the Mask Slips Edition

"If gun owners are the minority, that minority has turned into a majority and recalled two senators. Every time pro-gun control advocates reveal their stance, they end up paying for it at the polls....

Quote of the Day: GLOCK 42 Not In Poll Position Edition

"The Glock 42 is like your sexually conservative girlfriend unconvincingly trying to talk dirty to you for the first time. Just stick to what you know, or go big and take some pole dancing...

Quote of the Day: It’s a Gun Problem. Right. Edition

"I remember giving creative writing assignments to students instructing them to write a page or two on whatever they wanted to talk about. Adam would write ten pages, obsessing about battles, destruction and war....