Quote of the Day: Roosting Chickens Edition

  "In Operation Fast and Furious, the Mexican drug cartels found an easy way to supplement their own illegal ways. Worse yet, the Obama administration has yet to publicly hold anyone accountable for this disastrous...

Quote of the Day: Broad Spectrum Edition

"If I walk into a gun store with an Obama T-shirt - which I wouldn't wear, because he's too conservative - I don't fit." - Liberal Gun Club board member Eric Wooten, Liberals find comfort...

Quote of the Day: I Don’t Think “Infringe” Means What They Think It Means...

"Passing common-sense gun safety legislation – including expanding background checks and making gun trafficking a federal crime – remains the most important step we can take to reduce gun violence.  The vast majority of...

Quote of the Day: Carefully Balanced Edition

“There is a strong public safety need for this information to be accessible to the NICS, and some states are currently under-reporting or not reporting certain information to the NICS at all. This proposed...

Quote of the Day: If Only That Was His Only Comment

  "My only comment would be that the gun industry and its mouthpiece organizations seem to be able to drum up fear endlessly even though, as time passes, none of the predictions on which they...

Quote of the Day: It Stops Being Rare When It Starts Being You

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh_V61_Tz8Y "Universities are typically non-threatening environments that see violent crime only in rare occasions, and mass shootings such as the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007 are even rarer. If students are allowed to carry firearms...

Quote of the Day: Good-Faith Free Zone Edition

"If we thought the antigun side of the debate were interested in good-faith compromise, we'd be all for it. The dishonesty of their debating tactics, their ghoulish and opportunistic use of horrific crimes like...

Quote of the Day: Close But No Cigar Edition

"The Second Amendment guarantees an individual right—subject to reasonable regulation and control, of course, but individual nonetheless." Daniel Payne, Sorry, But Owning A Gun Is An Individual Right 

Quote of the Day: Zero Zero Tolerance Edition

"If there's no real intent, there's no real threat, no real weapon, no real harm is occurring or going to occur, why in the world are we in a sense abusing our children like...

Quote of the Day: Highway to Hell Edition

"Like cars, guns should be registered from the time they're manufactured to the time they're destroyed, so there's a continuous chain of ownership. Anyone who owns a gun should be required to have liability insurance,...

Quote of the Day: SAFE Act By Name Edition

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1 "We said we would make New York safer and we did." Governor Andrew Cuomo quoted in Watchdog report: Has the SAFE Act made us safer?  

Quote of the Day: Intuitive Feelings Edition

"But, of course, the auction was protested, because it just feels so wrong to be able to buy a privilege to shooting an endangered beast. Perversely, what the protesters are protecting is their own...