Nashville Homeowner Shoots Armed Intruder Breaking into His House

A Nashville homeowner shot a man who allegedly attempted to break into his house early Saturday morning, with police deeming the act self-defense, according to local authorities. The incident occurred in the Trinity Hills neighborhood...

Prime Time: Amazon Driver Delivers Deadly Defensive Shot; Carjacker Gets Free Shipping of Bullet...

A Cleveland Amazon driver was busy delivering his daily run of goop Hyaluronic Acid Serum, Stanley cups, James Patterson novels, leggings and Manspot Manscape Groin Hair trimmers last Saturday afternoon when he was approached...
gun on pizza feat

Texas Pizza Delivery Driver Delivers Pizza With a Side of Bullets to Robbery Suspect

Despite how delicious a good pizza can be, everyone knows it isn't great for their health, but for one would-be robber, it actually proved fatal. Such was the case in Houston last weekend when...

Defensive Shooting in California: No Charges Filed

They say breaking up can be hard to do, especially when some guys don’t take rejection well. Of course, when the new boyfriend has a gun, it’s probably wise not to go full-on Stalkerville...

Was It Self-Defense? A Florida Jury Will Decide

Rachael Wilks claims she acted in self-defense when she shot and killed Brian Brown, the father of her unborn twins, inside their Gainesville home on New Year’s Eve 2021. Her attorney, Aaron Kelley, told...

Mississippi Store Owner Won’t Be Charged for Shooting Knife Wielding Attacker

Police have determined no charges are warranted in a West Jackson, Miss., defensive shooting in which a man chased and attempted to attack the owner of Big Boy’s Convenient Store before the owner fired...

Chicago-Area Road Rage Incident Ends in CCL Holder Defending Himself

We reported last week on three incidents where concealed carry license (CCL) holders in violence-plagued Chicago were forced to defend themselves, and it appears the hits just keep on coming. Also, last week, Fox...

Could It Be Satan? Nope, Just One of His Sissy Boy Wanna-Be Followers

Fox 7 out of Austin, Texas, is reporting that a Taylor, Texas, break-in was cut short the other week when a knife-wielding home invader got dumped to the ground by an armed homeowner. Here’s how...

MMA Fighter Shannon “The Cannon” Ritch Fires a Gun Instead in Self-Defense

MMA fighter Shannon Ritch may be called "The Cannon" in the octagon, but in the parking lot, he will now be known as "The Handgun." Just this past weekend, after returning from an event...

Defensive Shooting Leads to Murder Charges, But Not for the Shooter

A defensive shooting incident in Rock Hill, North Carolina, last week resulted in one woman dead and her girlfriend charged with murder, while the man who fired the shots has been cleared of charges....

84-Year-Old Woman Stabs 27-Year-Old Nephew in Self-Defense

Self-defense isn’t just delivered from the muzzle end of a gun. It comes in many forms. So, what do you get when you’re a 27-year-old male and you attempt to physically beat down your 84-year-old...

Chalk One Up for the Old Guys: Florida Man Fends Off Carjacker

In a dramatic turn of events last week, a 66-year-old Florida man turned the tables on a would-be carjacker, leaving the suspect battered and bloody. The incident took place in Brevard County, where deputies...