Mayors Against Illegal Guns Plots Federal Gun Control

The Mayors Against Illegal Guns have released their report A Blueprint for Federal Action on Illegal Guns. The chapter headings sound sensible enough: Improving Gun Background Checks, Policing Problematic Gun Shows (as opposed to...

IRA Smuggled Armalite Rifles on the QE2 (Ocean Liner)

The Times reports that the IRA smuggled guns and explosive from the U.S. to the U.K. aboard The Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) in the early seventies. "Brendan Hughes, one of the provisionals’ first...

Hunters: Get Ready for Simulated Randomized Animal Spawn Points

Griffin Technology is already hyping its new game "Bass Pro Shops: The Hunt." According to the press release, "players will explore ten diverse North American hunting locations. Each map features unique animals,...

Tea Party Members Pledge Not to Shoot Democrats

0 Money shot: 1:25

Rifle Scopes For Jesus

0 I thought it was kind of funny. But I guess not. So what about something a little less Jesus oriented? Here's some helpful hints for gun scope codes, inspired by * E222 (Exodus 22:2):...

The Customer Isn’t Always Right. Apparently.


Toys R Us Selling Sightmark Accudot 243 Laser Boresight

The url's dead now, of course. But true story: Toys R Us was selling Sightmark Accudot 243 Laser Boresight on their website. Question: what exactly is wrong with a toy store selling "a convenient...

Obamacare Reigniting AR-15 Sales?

Not that commentators on the left side of the political spectrum need any reason to link "gun nuts" with their Tea Partying opposition. But TTAG has heard from two separate sources that sales...

Feds May Charge Ex-Blackwater Chief for NC Weapons Cache

The AP reports that Uncle Sam is considering booking former Blackwater execs on weapons charges relating to 22 weapons stashed at the company's North Carolina headquarters. Blackwater suits under the gun: former president Gary...

Army’s Quick Fix for Afghanistan Range Deficit: 5000 M14 Enchanced Battle Rifles

TTAG has reported the U.S. Army's ongoing sloth re: equipping troops in Afghanistan with rifles capable of effective range. And now, finally, they're doing something about it. reports that the Army is sending...

From Tickle Me Elmo to Lund Variable Velocity Weapons System. Huh?

0 reports that Lund Technologies has made the jump from the Tickle Me Elmo doll to the Lund Variable Velocity Weapons System (LVVWS). In other words, a rifle that varies the velocity of the...

TWHN BS: Great Landing Wrong M4 Edition

I am not the most technical of gun nuts. Load, aim, fire, make safe. Buy the best gun you can afford and use the recommended ammo. But I admire the technologically adept amongst us...