OK Rep. JJ Humphrey Says He Knows How to Stop ATF Crimes, Thuggery, and...

By Lee Williams  Nowadays, the ATF operates above the law, and it’s become clear that despite their frequent high crimes and civil rights abuses, no one in the federal government is going to hold the...

Gun-Free Zones Kill: Data Shows Armed Citizens Stop Mass Killers Most of the Time

By Rob Morse We live in a media-driven culture. We also have government agencies putting out biased reports that serve their political masters. And it's rare that the media even question those agencies' reports. That wouldn’t...
auto accident car wreck crash

Washington State Highway Fatalities Skyrocket, Yet No One is Calling for a Ban On...

From the CCRKBA . . . New data from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission suggests the Evergreen State is on track to see one of the deadliest years on state highways since the 1990s, yet...
ar-15 train range training assault rifle

Bloomberg-Backed Anti-Gun Agitprop Site Uses Frequently Debunked Database to Claim ARs are a Bad...

By Lee Williams  When the hoplophobic paste-eaters at Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop factory, known as the Trace, team up with the stodgy window-lickers at the Gun Violence Archive to produce a story questioning the utility...
Boston Police

SAF Sues Boston Police Over Gun Permit Processing Delays

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against Boston, Massachusetts Police Commissioner Michael Cox, in his official capacity, over substantial and untenable delays in the police department’s processing of...
Heller Gottlieb McDonald Supreme Court

The Second Amendment Foundation Has Been Fighting and Defeating Gun Control for 49 Years

From SAF Today marks the 49th anniversary of the founding of the Second Amendment Foundation, an organization which has become a powerhouse in firearms rights litigation, with significant victories all over the map, including a...
national gun control confiscation

SAF Sues State of Maryland Over Allegedly Malicious Red Flag Confiscation Filing

The Second Amendment Foundation and one of its members, Donald S. Willey, a 64-year-old Marine Corps veteran, have filed a federal lawsuit challenging the so-called “red flag” law enacted by the State of Maryland...
ATF agents

ATF Dances, Obfuscates Now That Media Attention is Focused on Wave of FFL Revocations

By Lee Williams Hallelujah! The legacy media has finally started covering ATF’s unconstitutional war on the country’s gun dealers, which the pro-gun media has been denouncing and warning the public about for more than two...
Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell

Seattle Mayor Uses Hookah Lounge Triple Murder as a Pretext to Attack Washington State’s...

From the CCRKBA Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell’s immediate reaction to Sunday’s triple homicide at a hookah lounge in the city’s Mount Baker area “was a predictable launch pad for an attack on Washington State’s model...

Illinois Supreme Court Upholds ‘Assault Weapons’ & Magazine Ban, Enforcement Set To Begin Immediately

This morning, the Illinois Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision that struck down Gov. Pritzker's new "assault weapons" ban. In a 4-3 ruling, the state's high court vacated a Macon County ruling and...
girl shooting machine gun peace sign

Everytown and SPLC: Kids Who Like Guns are ‘Male Supremacist’ Racists…Allegedly

By Lee Williams  In Joe Biden’s America, the quickest way to marginalize an individual or a group is by labeling them as racist. It can happen to literally anyone, since the accusations don’t have to...
Project Child Safe ChildSafe

Guardian Launches Assault on NSSF Trade Association for Actually Representing Its Member Companies

By Lee Williams About every six months or so the British tabloid media forgets that no one on this side of the pond gives a damn about what they think of America, our guns, or...