brad leblanc

Gosh, Why Do the Media Downplay Defensive Gun Uses That Save Lives?

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . While the legacy media is quick to sensationalize every incident involving misuse of firearms, they just as quickly downplay or completely dismiss reports of lawful self-defense with...
US Capitol Police

Why Is Congress Creating a New Federal Secret Police Force?

Law enforcement is a state right. Our founders knew that concentrating too much power in any one federal agency – especially a law enforcement agency – could lead to a tyrannical police state. It was...

Stock Photo Companies Promote ‘Gun Violence’ for Profit

By Lee Williams The images are disgusting: a crying woman with an AK barrel in her mouth, children pointing guns at their own heads, a toddler pointing a GLOCK with their finger on the trigger...
Biden angry second amendment

America Saw the Real Gun-Grabbing Joe Biden in This Week’s CNN Townhall

From the CCRKBA . . . The real Joe Biden has finally stood up, revealing during a CNN Townhall that he is “continuing to push to eliminate the sale” of guns that can fire multiple...
Mixican drug cartel seized guns firearms

The New York Times Cherry-Picked Data to Support a Story on the Mexican Government...

By Lee Williams The New York Times has seized upon a lawsuit filed by the Mexican government against six American firearms manufacturers – which even the newspaper’s own experts admit is frivolous – as if...

Daily Beast: Everytown Told Us That The NRA’s Eddie Eagle Program is Dead!

By Lee Williams More than 33 million children have learned about gun safety through the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program. The exact figures, current as of last month, show that 33,198,060 kids have...

Silver Lining: The Afghanistan Collapse Kills Biden’s Gun Control Agenda and the Chipman Nomination

It took Joe Biden just seven months to cripple this country’s economy, security and credibility. On Sunday, Biden lost the moral authority he needs to govern, as well as the respect of voters, foreign leaders...
Greater Pittsburgh Gun Club

Pennsylvania Township’s Effort to Use Restrictive Zoning Against a Gun Range is Defeated

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation is celebrating a victory in Pennsylvania involving a long-existing gun club in the Pittsburgh area, as a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court...
taliban afghanistan firearms

The Taliban and Joe Biden Agree – Civilians Don’t Need to Own Firearms

By Lee Williams On Monday throughout Kabul, teams of Taliban terrorists started going door-to-door searching for our former allies, young girls and, of course, personally owned firearms. Our allies were disappeared. Their fate was sealed. Some...
Q honey badger sb tactical

SAF: The ATF Pistol Brace Public Comment Period Is Almost Over…Here’s What You Can...

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . As the Sept. 8 deadline looms for public comment on the proposed rule change regarding handgun stabilizing arm braces, the Second Amendment Foundation has launched an ambitious...
fake news

Fake News: Fact Checking the Media’s Anti-Gun Fact Checkers

By Lee Williams For today’s media, factchecking is an entry-level job. Most media factcheckers are liberal, woke, in their early 20s, and politically biased. Most have never even touched a firearm, yet they wade into gun...

What Happens When USA Today’s Factchecker is Factchecked Himself

By Lee Williams The USA TODAY factchecker we profiled Tuesday, Daniel Funke, might want to find another line of work. He seems to have a problem getting his "facts" right. In our story titled “Fake News:...