The Incredibly Destructive Russian Grizzly Slug
Feast your eyes on the incredibly powerful (and super heavy) Russian Grizzly slug.
TAOFLEDERMAUS cooked up a good experiment in this video. He got some super heavy slugs with a Russian design (that need to...
Shooting 400-Year-Old Musket Balls Out of a Shotgun
Just how deadly are these 400-year-old musket balls shot from a modern weapon?
Where and how do you find centuries-old musket balls? TAOFLEDERMAUS got his hands on some, and of course, he's going to test-fire...
Blaser Rolls Out R8 Intuition Rifle and F16 Intuition Shotgun for Women
If you don't know Blaser guns, you should. The German maker of precision rifles and shotguns turns out some beautifully constructed guns (see our review of their impressive LRS 2 precision rifle here). The...
Sanctions End Supply of Russian-Made Vepr-12-02 Shotguns
"Based on the RPK light machine gun Kalashnikov variant, the Molot Vepr 12 (VPR-12-02 (short-barreled version above) is an original Russian production 12-gauge shotgun," The FIME Group's presser proclaims (text below). "Due to import regulations,...
Anniversary Present: Tricking Out My Mossberg Shockwave
I didn’t know my fourth anniversary present would be blue steel, but by golly, my lovely bride came through for me over the Labor Day weekend. She hit a home run (grand slam?) with...
How to Make a DIY Clay Target Holder (and a Cool One at That)
The Sticks Outfitter never fails to come up with bright ideas, like this DIY clay target holder. This is a great weekend project, and the fellas from The Sticks Outfitter are eager to show...
Browning Announces the New Citori 725 Sporting Golden Clays Shotgun
Sporting clays is about as much fun as you can have with a shotgun short of pointing one at ducks or upland birds. And as an owner of an XT Trap smoothbore, I can...
Water Moccasins: Use Case for a Taurus Judge?
TTAG writers are, in the main, skeptical about the Taurus Judge and Smith & Wesson Governor. John Boch says "No gracias." Our Illinois correspondent reckons they're ridiculously unconcealable, and there's nothing these things do that...
Question of the Day: What Gun for Looters?
Responding to our Question of the Day: What Gun for Houston Rescue Mission? the majority of respondents reckoned a concealable handgun is the firearm of choice. Jon Wayne Taylor's still in the Bayou City delivering medical supplies and...
Why Does an Over/Under or Side-by-Side Shotgun Cost So Much?
Whenever we run a review of a double barrel shotgun, we get comments wondering why an over/under costs, on average, so much more than a similar semi-automatic or pump model. Frequent commenter Dyspeptic Gunsmith,...
Gun Review: Stevens 555 E Over/Under Shotgun
A field gun needs to be three things: comfortable, accurate and light. When you're trudging across Nebraska plains in search of grouse or pheasant, you want your shotgun to point and swing smoothly and...
Gear Review: Huntego CleanShot Shoot-Thru Bore Cleaner Shells
Pull the trigger on one of Huntego Limited's CleanShot shoot-thru bore cleaning cartridges and that's it; your 12 gauge bore is clean. With different layers of scrubbers and patches and 9,600 psi of outward pressure,...