This Is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace: They Sleep with Illegal Shotguns Under...

28 "Firearms in Ireland are extremely strictly controlled," informs, "both with strict legislation governing licencing and very conservative application of that legislation by the Gardaí." Skipping ahead a bit we learn that "self-defence and the...

Bring Back the Burgess Folding Shotgun!

29 Over at, Ian McCollum gives us a look at the Burgess folding 12-guage repeating shotgun and a history of the man behind the gun. Faced with a patent on the pump-action shotgun, Burgess...

Gun Hero of the Day: Australian Senator David Leyonhjelm

Pity poor Australian gun owners. They've been more or less stripped of their natural gun rights. Well, more. As is the way of such things, the Australian government can't get enough of that sweet, sweet...

New From TriStar: TT-15 Trap Guns

As a phrase, "budget trap gun" is kinda like "military intelligence," "government ethics," or "postal service" - it's a contradiction in terms. TriStar, however, has just announced three new high rib Turkish import trap...

This Is What Happens to A Disarmed Populace: UK Looks to Ban More Guns...

"Internal police documents seen by UK Shooting News have revealed that police firearms licensing employees want to ban: .22 semi-autos; magazine-fed shotguns; all 50-cals; section 2 certificates; free 1-for-1 variations; old spec deactivated firearms; antique...

Question of the Day: Home Defense Shotgun?

114 Like President Obama's thinking on gay marriage, my views on the home defense shotgun have evolved. Despite owning all three of the Benelli shotguns shows above, I'm no longer convinced a scattergun should be a home-defender's go-to firearm....

Jon Wayne Taylor: Now Are the Doves! (Texas Season Opener)

For America, for me, hunting season started yesterday. September first is the opening day of Dove Season here in central Texas. I think that's a few days earlier than Louisiana; as far as I can...

Safety Tip: Don’t Fire Your Shotgun Under Water [VIDEO]

49 By Eric Nestor via These guys thought it would be fun to stick the end of a shotgun barrel underwater and fire it. Watch and see the catastrophic failure of this poor shotgun barrel . ....

CONFIRMED: Walmart Stops Selling AR-Style Rifles and “Personal Protection” Shotguns. Responding to Church Lawsuit?

We've spoken with the Pratt, Kansas Walmart regarding reports that the store had stopped selling AR-style rifles and certain shotguns. We can confirm that Walmart HQ sent the store - and others around the country...

BREAKING: Walmart Pulls ARs and “High-Capacity” Shotguns

A TTAG reader just texted us the above map. It's a camera phone shot of a Walmart salesman's computer screen at a store in Pratt, Kansas. The image shows which states' residents are not allowed to buy long...

Australia’s Adler Shotgun Ban Overturned…Sort Of

By Dennis DeMartins The ongoing battle over the Adler shotgun in Australia has taken a new plot twist. PM Tony Abbott who last week personally intervened to ban the Adler, pulled another fast one over firearms...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Ferguson Edition

58 "After being looted two times in the past year, the Ferguson Market and Liquor Store employees decided to take things into their own hands," new2share reports in their description of the above YouTube video....