Can’t a Guy Sell a Batpod with Twin Shotguns and Flamethrowers on eBay Without...

Apparently not: WEAPONS SYSTEMS:  PLEASE NOTE: Although the flamethrowers and cannons are in a fully authentic & operable state as pictured, the cannon trigger breach blocks and flamethrower pressure release valves are NOT INCLUDED as part of this sale listing. Without...

Housekeeping: Anyone Got a Remington 870 in the Austin Area?

42 We've been given access to some radical self-defense ammo specifically engineered for shotguns. Well, a shotgun. The Remington 870. According to our man Potterfield, it's "top of the class" for stopping power. Then again,...

Gun Review: Utas UTS-15 Shotgun

It seems like double-tubed shotguns are all the rage these days. Kel-Tec kicked off the craze in the U.S. with their KSG and the response from the public was so overwhelming that there were bound...

The Land of Ten Thousand Shotguns. Or Not.

"Armenia has refused to rent Iran 50,000 hectares of Syunik pasture for 10 years, where 10,000 Iranian Azerbaijanis armed with shotguns were to be deployed," reports. "'The question of renting pasture in Syunik to...

You Know You’re A Gun Nut When . . .

70 You watch an entire video of a shotgun recycling testing machine. Or even part of it. Your turn! What videos have you watched that non-gunnies wouldn't notice or even consider? Full marks for anyone...

Crazy Quail Live Bird Shooting Simulator: The Future of Practice Shooting?

Crazy Quail is revolting. According to their press release the system is "a type of revolt against the orthodoxy of trap and skeet. Skeet offers excellent practice for the field shooter, but too...

New From Plano: Updated Soft Gun Cases

Having a number of shotguns, I have an array of cases with which to tote them around. Everything from cheapy gun show nylon sheaths to more luxurious leather-trimmed sarcophagi that are beautifully made and...

Gun Review: Mossberg FLEX 500 Shotgun

  Just about every shooter owns, has owned or will someday own a Mossberg Model 500 shotgun. Like a Winchester Model 94 or a Ruger 10/22, the old Mossy is just one of those guns...

Gun Review: WBY-X PA-459 Shotgun

Buckets of ink and ba-jillions of electrons have been spilled in the last year or so navel gazing over the subject of who owns guns here in these U-nited States. Listen to the bleatings...

Question of the Day: Are Shotguns Under Assault?

68 When Adam Lanza slaughtered defenseless children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, his "assault rifle" was an obvious target. No one needs a weapon of war! Ban ARs! Again, again! It got to the point...

AP Calls NJ Buyback Mossberg an “Assault Shotgun”

To no one's surprise, a member of the Associated Press has adopted the term blurted out by a know-nothing NBC reporter during the U.S. Navy Yard massacre, during which Aaron Alexis used a Remington 870...

The Best Gun for Home Defense Revealed

131 At 1:32 in the video above, Captain Berz holds his hands out to demopnstrate the spread of pellets fired from a home defense shotgun. Uh, no. The spread differs according to the distance to...