Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Microcosm Overlord

Over at, the non-blogging brother of the resident blogmeister chronicles his negligent discharge via a slightly modded Remington 870 Wingmaster. Aside from the retinal damage caused by white text on a black background, Microcosm...

Question of the Day: How Realistic Are Gun Games?

10 And why isn't there a shoot / no shoot self-defense videogame? And while I'm kvetching, weaver stance? Check out the thumb placement at :13. Maybe the instructor should, I dunno, instruct them on that...

Question of the Day: Is There A Firearm You’d Own But Never Fire?

Over at, they're starting the week with a look at "The World's Most Expensive Rifle." It's actually the world most expensive rifles: a matched pair from Swedish gunmaker VO Gun & Rifle. The fact...

New Winchester Super X3 Sporting Adjustable Shotgun

Winchester's unveiled their Super X3 Sporting shotgun. For serious clay shooters (as opposed to Ralph and me who are always making jokes), the SX3S's lightweight aluminum alloy receiver and ported, ventilated rib barrel should make...

For Sale: Connecticut Valley Classics Shotgun Company. Buy Online Now for $135k. Or Not.

We are offering the former assets of Connecticut Valley Classics (CVC).  This project is at a point where full-scale production can be up and running within six months.  It is based on the 101...

Is There A Zombie Killer in the House? Yes There Is

3 h/t to

Incendiary Image of the Day: Shack Attack Edition

Huh? From what does Dish Network protect you? Cable envy? Still, no one ever went broke underestimating gun owners' inability to reject cognitive dissonance. Maybe it's a Montana thing. "I think it really, really...

UTS-15: The World’s Ugliest Bullpup Shotgun?

If the Turkish-made UTS-15 is the world's ugliest bullpup shotgun, it must be said that it achieved this dubious honor by beating two competitors. The first, the Neostead 2000, was built in the...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Rutger Hauer

7 From "So the success of this movie was a big surprise to them and to me and so nice. I was having a ball. Then they had a shotgun for a picture blah, blah,...

German Gun Laws

Dear Robert, Sorry for the delay. I've been busy at the IWA fair: a firearms convention like the Shot Show in Vegas. I met Mrs. Hoy Versnel of the Second Amendment Foundation and many other...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: fromnadatoprada1

9 Is that a real Russian accent? I am not sure, comrade. But I am sure that shooting stuff at point blank range is invitation to disaster. The thing about blowing things to bits is...