Die Bowling Ball! Die! (Or How It’s Unmade)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_umTDmVTmgk I didn't want to sully Patrick Carrube's most excellent review of the Mossberg 590 pump-action shotgun with this anti-Big Lebowski video, but this works on too many levels to ignore. So I've posted it...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: 12 Gauge Security Control System

From firequest.com: (completely Safe when used as described) This particular device, when used outdoors, serves as an effective early warning signal against intruders on your property. This system is all steel construction that can be...

Ithaca’s Model 37 Rises Like a Phoenix From the Ashes

Ithaca! Ithaca! Hmm...doesn't have quite the same ring (or connotation) as Attica! Attica! did in Dog Day Afternoon, but we may soon b.  hearing chants of Ithaca! Ithaca! from shotgun aficionados across the country because...

Ballistic Glory Holes. Can I Say That?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIUptGR86AU And if it's a three-gun competition, where's the third gun? Probably with the Third Man.

Question of the Day: How Much Do You Miss the Warm Weather?


I need a new wingman…uh…Wingmaster.

In my continuing effort to come up with a workable home defense strategy, some time back I bought a shotgun. Actually, let me be more specific. Sometime ago, I bought a shotgun to keep...

“The number of legally owned firearms in Scotland soars”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUsa1a6B7yU "TEENAGERS as young as 13 have been granted shotgun licenses in Scotland – according to Scottish Government figures," deadlinescotland.wordpress.com reports. "And the number of legally owned firearms and shotguns in the country has rocketed by...

Question of the Day: How Much Do You Love Your Gun Dog?

I have guns and dogs. But I don't have a gun dog. But if I did, I sure would love it. I'd love my dog so damn much I'd write a love letter to...

Megahouse Auto Blaster for The Rubber Band Man, Rubber Band Man

Akihabra is ground zero for Japanese geekery. You want the latest gizmo? Hey baby, they got it. And if you want to know what it is they got that you want (up to and...