Non-Lethal Shotgun. Huh?

1 Military Intelligence. Service Station. Efficient Government. Honest Politician. Non-Lethal Shotgun. What's wrong with this picture? I'm not sure why anybody would want a non-lethal shotgun. When I point a gun at somebody (if I...

Shotgun Shootout: .410 vs. 20 vs. 12 vs. 10 gauge

1 So if you've ever wondered about the differences between shotgun gauges, here's a video with some first-hand looks at the guns. With a rockin' blonde doing the honors. What's not to like? This was...

“There is no way in any shape or form should a 10-year-old boy have...

In the aftermath of the recent Lake District spree killing, gun-hating Britain is in the grips of . . . more gun hating. "Police have awarded a shotgun licence to a child aged just...

Gun Review: Benelli M2 Tactical ComforTech

Tactical shotguns aren't supposed to be pretty. They're supposed to be brutal. The uglier and more intimidating, the better. Trust the gunsmiths at Benelli to turn their back on this tradition of fucile da...

Two Accessories for Any Home Defense Shotgun

0 Click here for a review of the Sperian Impact Sport ear protection system.

TTAG Contest: Win This Mossberg HS 410 (One in Fifteen Chance)

Thanks to you and thousands of other TTAG readers, TTAG's growing exponentially. In the big-league, razzle-dazzle, live-on-the-razor's edge, take-your-life-in-your-hands world of professional blogging, eyeballs is where it's at. And we're getting 'em. We're proud...

What Good Is A Shotgun at that Range?

0' Why is he shooting it one-handed and why isn't he counting rounds?

Here’s What’s Going to Happen In Chicago When the Supreme Court’s McDonald Decision Strikes...

Nothing. Initially, not a damn thing. The ban will be gone, but the Supremes will not strike down "reasonable" state requirements re: gun ownership. Outside of Chicago, in the rest of Illinois, an aspiring...

Philadelphia Labor Lawyer Buys 100 Mossbergs for his Local Police

Since 2007, attorney James Binns' been buying motorcycles and bikes for the Philadelphia Police. According to, Binns' expanded CopWheels program has ponied-up some $10k for 100 Mossberg 12-gauge tactical shotguns. TTAG asked Binns if the...

Obscure Object of Desire: Izhmash Saiga-12 Semi-Automatic Shotgun

2 So this 50-year-old guy with an enormous arsenal of weaponry starts schmoozing with me. "I'm want to get into the social aspect of shooting," he says, without the slightest tracer of irony. "Everyone I've...

Glockman1000 May Be As Good As He Think He Is

0 And there I was thinking that Guam was a laid-back place.