Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the U.S. Border Patrol’s Firearms. Well, Almost

I love gung-ho articles about law enforcement weaponry---especially pieces that read like a lecture from Sergeant Joe Friday. ("Maybe you think you're not hurting anyone by smoking marijuana, but you never saw a kid...

TWHN BS: You Know You’ve Hit the Big Time Edition

The Sun is a populist paper in The Land of Hope and Glory. It belongs to the same Aussie magnate who owns The Wall Street Journal (who served as a role model for the...

False Alarm Triggers Shotgun Party at Jackson Estate

Whyfame.com (why fame indeed) reports that TMZ.com reports that the LA Police responded to a burglar alarm at the Jackson family compound in Encino last night. "Five armed LAPD officers entered through the front...

Police Force Swapping Shotguns for Rifles

Another day (what already?), another police force swapping their shotguns for rifles. Panama City's wmbb.com reports that the Walton Country Sheriff's office is issuing AR-15 patrol rifles as its force's standard gear. Sheriff Michael...

UK Gun Owner Jailed for Two-and-a-Half Years for Overhead Warning Shots

The UK's South Yorkshire Star reports that Andre John Hulse was plagued by burglars and vandals invading Low Lock Cottage, his "idyllic canalside cottage next to the River Don." Speaking to melud at Doncaster...

Total Recoil 4: En-Gage!


Chilean Earthquake Aftermath: Send Lawyers, Guns and Money

CNN reports that the rule of law is breaking down in Chile, as the government struggles to restore basic services after a massive earthquake and the resulting tsunami. "Looting broke out in parts of...

Former IRS Agent Hearts Shotguns

Kentucky's amnews.com profile Bill Elliott, an IRS agent/tax collector turned tax adviser. Clearly, Elliott knows the value of firepower. In fact it helped start his career. Huh. Elliott talks about the government career he had...

TWHN BS: Bring a Rifle to A Shotgun Fight Edition

According to the Wichita Eagle, the local police wants to trade shotguns for rifles in patrol cars. It seems some members of the Kansas law enforcement fraternity are feeling out-gunned. "It used to be...

Minnesota: Let Them Eat Crow

Minnesota's Startribune.com reminds us that today marks the start of crow hunting season. The author making the announcement is full of shit. Well, he was covered with it; as a boy; hunting crows. "In...

Luxury Shotgun Maker’s Stock in Purdey Good Shape. But Not THAT Good.

Barrons reckons the stock in the Swiss holding company that owns venerable English shotgun maker Purdey is set to double. "Geneva-based Compagnie Financière Richemont (ticker: CFR.Switzerland) is a major player in the global luxury...

Shotgun Penetration With Various Rounds

I've scraped this from commentator Montana Bound's post on the most excellent shotgunworld.com, where it was attributed to a dead link. "All of these shots were taken from a known distance and angle into...